This game is filled with incredibly fun ideas the whole way through, and combined with the amazing ost this game reminds very enjoyable the whole time through.

While I do miss the many movement options from games like Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Odyssey, the level design is more than fun enough on it’s own and gets full mileage out of what is there.

I have always considered this game as one of my favorite games of all time, though I’m not going to sit here and act like nostalgia has nothing to do with that. With the release of Super Mario 3D All Stars I was overly excited to play this game again, though I was preparing to find myself not enjoying the game like I did as a child. However, during this play through I found the game to be even more enjoyable than I remembered, to the point where I now consider the game to be my absolute favorite.

This was the first game I was ever excited for before it was released, and to this day it’s still one of my favorites, probably tied with the first game in the series for my favorite.

Many people complain that this feels like the first game but again which I completely understand, but I personally find the first one so enjoyable so why wouldn’t I want the first one again?

While I’d love to go on about how great the levels and soundtrack and ideas are I just finished writing multiple paragraphs on the first game and given that this is essentially the same game, I have the same thoughts on how incredible these things are.

Starship Mario is cool and all, I do miss the Comet Observatory. While the 2D style world map is very nice and should certainly always be available via a menu or something, being able to explore my way to the levels in the game was a really cool feeling that this game’s hub just doesn’t replicate. Obviously though this is not a deal breaker or even a legitimate problem with the game, just one small area where my personal preference doesn’t align with the game.

Basically I just really like Super Mario Galaxy and this game is Super Mario Galaxy with Yoshi.

This game is awesome I hope someone adds like 200 more tracks or something that would be cool

Anyways, the physics in this game are so fun, there’s so many cool little tricks you can do. The shortcuts are super fun and there’s always another fun challenging thing you can find and get better at somewhere on some track. The roster is also great, there’s a gorilla with sunglasses who is the undisputed best character in the game.

I simply cannot get into this game on my own, but this game hands down is responsible for most of my best gaming memories with my friends. You are free to do anything you please, which I feel make my thoughts on this game pretty self explanatory.

This is the fucking game ever.

I can't explain why this game is so good there's just a bunch of random funny shit to do with your funny guys. The musicals are rad I think.

This game is pretty cool. The levels are really good and the movement is good enough given that the linear design means the level design is going to be doing the heavy lifting. The only big problem with this game is that is feels too slow, and given that it's been fixed in the Bowser's Fury rerelease, there is literally no reason to play this version anymore unless you had it back on Wii U and don't wanna cough up the 60 bucks.

This is decidedly not the greatest game ever released. Could not hold my attention, I feel like walking and running feel too slow to effectively move around in this ginormous world, but given my favorite games are Super Mario Galaxy and it's sequel- which are linear platformers- my personal taste could easily have something to do with that. The dungeons are also not that cool and inventory management is not a favorite game mechanic of mine. I do want to try and go back and beat this game though someday and would be more than happy to see my opinion change, but that day is not today.

This game is old as balls and sucks fucking ass

The robotic operating buddy toy is in the game and you can drive a tank, which is somehow the most light and nimble vehicle in the game. Solid roster and tracks and snaking is pretty fun.

I forgot how much fun this game is. I think the track selection is maybe the best in the series, and the physics are surprisingly fun. I personally think the roster is fucking hilarious, I love that honey queen of all people was chosen, and for some reason metal Mario feels kinda cool in this game. It sucks that it’s missing some characters that feel like mainstays but other than that the game is awesome. I personally hated gliding in Mario kart because it feels like an excuse to make you go straight for a long time and take control away, but I was shocked coming back to this game to find that’s really only a problem in Mario Kart 8. This game’s gliding gives you so much control and you can do insane shit like even going under the rings of Saturn to grab a hidden item box on Rainbow Road (which is one of the best in the series btw). While 8 is obviously more mechanically sound and has 3 times as many tracks making it honestly probably the better game, this game has a lot of weird magic that I can’t help but feel was lost in the transition to its sequel on the Wii U.

This game is really good actually.

The worst video game ever made.

Kinda fun though, but there’s some obstacles that work so poorly and cause you to game over and replay the whole level and sometimes it just doesn’t feel worth it anymore

This game is played in two dimensions

Underrated as hell the rush formula with wisps feels so damn good.

Pretty good, but for the modern levels they just did 3D boost physics but in 2D which kinda suck when they already had the rush formula that works great