This game is best played during zoom classes

Every single aspect of this game is near flawless in my opinion. I cannot believe just how well done every single little itty bitty thing in this game is.

Though the plot might sound simple and generic it does evolve into something that in my opinion, is one of the best written pieces of medias ever created. It's free and theres literally no reason not to check it out.

the combat is a bit lackluster but the story is pretty good. just an overall good game. this game has a new game plus but i dont know if i really want to revisit this game. eitherway, if you're a fan of any of the other supergiant games, check this one out, its pretty darn good.

video games as a medium is the ultimate form of art. you cannot do the things this game does on any other medium. its a great story worth experiencing once in your life. to truly understand how amazing games work as a form of storytelling.

i need 10 sequels, a prequel, an animated series and also a feature film NOW.

I've parted with Niko only 5 minutes ago and I already miss them. You were magnificent, Niko OneShot. I shall never forget you for as long as I live.

This is the best game in the entire collection.

The card game is suuuuuuper duper fun, and the levels, although short. Are masterfully designed. The loop of beating a side-boss and then battling them in a game of Joustous is really really fun. Shovel Knight games deserve all the praise they get. Wonderful experience.

Despite all my initial complaints about inventory management and the sometimes questionable design decisions involving the combat of the game, In my opinion, I think that Signalis is really something quite special.

The overarching story is mostly told by pieces of paper and documents scattered throughout the game. In most cases, I would condemn storytelling through these means. Though, I feel like most of my complaints about these sorts of storytelling stem from the stories told from them being rather bland (Looking at you, Resident Evil) but Signalis for me, did not have a single low point in terms of it's writing. The final trek towards the end really seals the deal on the entire experience. The narrative feels like it was tailor made for me. There is so much more to this game than what meets the eye. I am sure that no words that come from my brain will completely deliver just how much I adore the story this game is telling. The final scene from the ending that I got is hauntingly beautiful, and I am sure that I will remember it for a very long time.

Love is truly, such a beautiful thing.


For some reason, I stopped playing after beating Hades (the boss) for the first time. Apparently theres a whole ending where the credits roll? and there was an epilogue to this game too? Yeah, this game is really great, the writing is superb and figuring out broken weapon/boon combos is really fun. Really excited for Hades 2. I have no idea how they'll top this but i have faith in supergiant.

This is the best mobile game. It's so much fun

That was better than i expected! Loved how they gave the more unused characters more screentime. Ann, Haru and Yusuke are great characters and i just love seeing them getting more love from the writers. The new characters are also very lovable, Sophia is adorable and Zenkichi is so fucking funny.

Didnt think i would like Warriors-style combat this much, genuinely thought it would just be brainless button mashing but theres some strategy to it.

Honestly, just a really good sequel to P5. Genuinely thought this would've been a letdown but it wasnt! If you enjoyed P5, you just gotta give this game a shot.

also the fucking soundtrack is incredible. they made last suprise BETTER.

not only is the exploration in this game incredible, the combat, "platforming" and literally everything else in this game is great. always heard great things about this game, and it really does live up to those praises.


Always knew parrying mechanics in videogames were great and this game convinced me that parrying needs to be in every single video game ever.