Unpopular opinion: portal 1 > portal 2

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Clock tower 3 is a very strange game to review due to its way of going about things. The tone shifts are meant to be surprising and shocking for example the scene of the guy dumping a family in acid to the looeny toons escape you can perform while running away.After the initial shock it becomes funny because of the absurdity. (However I think it adds to the tone ct3 was going for in the way old horror movies were). Some of the story telling and Meachams are out dated from time but the panic system and judgement system are new and interesting to gaming. A true highlight is the mocap and animation directed by a flim maker which is wacky and extremely jumpy but very intriguing and unique for their playness and movement. Pretty cool game and possibly the best clocktower or second best. Check it out if you haven't so far :)

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She's just like me fr

A watered down version of the original with subpar graphics and a mixed bag of new voices from the ps2 version.which on its own while not good I can get over it but recasting heather Morris due to legal issues and recasting in my opinion one of the most believable voice casting of a protagonist in gaming to a sub par version is disgusting. If you'd like to get into silent hill and are low on money buy this but I recommend emulating,watching let's play videos, or saving money and buying the older version to get a better impression of sh3

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The only words I can think of are "psudeo sexual female horror"with a dog companion. A very intriguing and well animated game with pretty scenery. The hewie system is not very complex but works well and is very interesting in a game like this.the chasers of this game are very ahead of their time to me from all the places they hide in and all the places they check.ive never had a game really creep me out except for ones that are female centered like a hand full of 2000s horror games. Fiona is a character that you want to win and a very relatable and well written protagonist.The lore is in depth and well written and very original while using real life occurrences and fears that people have incorporated within. A extremely good horror game I highly recommend especially for women. :)

I love this game despite its flaws and find it to be extremely interesting to pick apart with its interesting cutscenes,scenarios and wide cast to pick from.however my favorite thing from this game is the witty dialog the characters give to each other from time to time.I wish there was co-op at time instead of multi-player at times because of how fun couch co-op could be.however the character and item swapping system is pretty hard with me fighting with characters to give one a gun on limited inventory while the other character drops important items from the other one for 5 minutes can be annoyingly funny.love this game :)

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A very good game that knows how to show emotion and story elements in its game play in the multiple failed attempts of jill to escape raccoon city and the people she meets and the secrets of umbrella and the city.Nemesis himself is a highlight in his greatly designed ai and design alone. The tone in this game is just right and the tank control's while difficult at times add to the horror and surprise of raccoon city and nemesis like in the window jumpscare.Love Jill in this game she's pretty cool and I like her boots too.good game probably 2nd to 3rd best resident evil game :)

Pretty fun and what I think a remake should be. Good improvements to an already good game and removing or changing less needed or good parts of the game.the voice acting while good and funny in the original for its tones and good place in a parody B horror movie game from the 90s the remake has improved it for its slightly different tone while keeping in some jokes and tone of the original. Some pieces have been remastered too and some are even better to listen to in this version.I enjoy the options of tank and more updated controls for the new player base and old fans. Good puzzles and combat a must play for resident evil fans and anyone else really :)

Pretty good game and addictive music.the game play has been improved from the previous two personas and a social system has been put in place.Im a big fan of backgrounds and models I'm this game they look very cool :) . I like the characters and new idea for this game with that being the "mystery Inc gang" and "tardarus" which are some highlights of this game.its very fun to interact with these characters and wonder around town and do school work while fighting demons at night.I do wish it was fully voice acted during optional/less important scenes though , and some elements of the game are of its time especially in gameplay.pretty fun probably my 2nd favorite PERSONA game deals with strong issues like grief surprisingly well 😀