Eye Candy Games

I just think they look neat

the only actually cool looking edgy alice in wonderland thing
kazuma kaneko but a video game
this and Destiny DC are easily the best looking tales games, I prefer Rebirth's color palette a little more tho. the spell effects are especially great
it was between this and KOFXIII for my favorite looking fighter but I haven't actually played that so
kinda like how this looks more than Future tbh, feel like the colors pop more
combined with the soundtrack this is just peak audiovisual experience
one of the few good looking vns
the intro and the first 5 minutes of the first stage look cool af and that's all I can really talk about
vectorman's a cool dude. also while not really visual related, this might have some of my favorite sound effects in any game
parappa has nothing but drip
a PS4 exclusive but with soul
more like killer STYLE
the visuals really make this cuz anytime I replay it my opinion of the game part of it goes down
peak audiovisual 2D platforming experience along with Sonic CD but you get a much better game with it
lots & lots of jets and trains! probably has some of the creepiest looking people I've ever seen in a game, they all look like they're decaying or were just raped a couple minutes before talking to you
similar thoughts to wind waker except I haven't replayed this cuz it's too fuckin long and feels like it should end 3 times before it actually does

1 Comment

3 years ago

mcgee's alice sure is eye """candy"""

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