Felvidek is a short, roughly 5 hour story about an alcoholic Slovakian knight. I personally am not good with history at all, so in regards to that, I didnt know or care much about it.
What drew me into this game was it’s unique (or, unique at this day and age) art style. While that definitely is one of its strong suits, what really made me love this game was the silly dialogue and actions mixed with the sort of surreal enemies and overall story. The silly dialogue could be a turn off for some people, but I thought it had its place, and didnt overstep its boundaries, keeping the tone of the story consistent all throughout. A lot of the characters were also fun to interact with too.

The story itself I thought was good, around a 7. Nothing crazy, but nothing like I have played before really, and I was pretty invested.

Overall, a great short game, probably the best game I’ve played under ~10 hrs. Will be memorable, and is definitely worth the price.

Metro 2033 was a fantastic first entry in the series. A dark, dystopian setting with fun gunplay and enjoyable missions. However, I thought that the story was sort of lacking. Not bad, but a little too basic.
Last Light is just a direct step up from 2033. The story is significantly better to me, with much better mission diversity and even better moments. The only change I didnt like was the inability to purchase filters, which just made the whole filter mechanic (which I felt didn't accomplish the goal of making it more survival-y) even more annoying. This is pretty easy to look over though. Great game, 8/10

This is my first time playing a game from this series. Honestly, mainly interested just because of how good Exodus looks. I really enjoyed this game's gun play. It felt nice shooting things, and there was a sort of realism to the gun mechanics. The environments you travel through the game are dark, and I just love it. The story is pretty standard, nothing groundbreaking, but not bad by any means.

Many people view this as the worst game in the series, and I would agree, but it really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. The downsides to me are the fact that I-Frames are tied to a stat, which creates some balancing issues, the crazy run-ups (and mob density in general), some bosses were pretty forgettable, and the ending was a bit underwhelming to me.

The biggest positive to me were the environments. Each area was fascinating to travel through and experience. This game was a journey, taking you through many different areas.
The combat is still very good, the game is massive, and I thought the torch mechanic was actually very interesting.

Quick note about the DLC, it features the best boss fights in this game, so definitely don't skip on it.

In all, the game is massive with a lot of things to do, a lot of bosses, and beautiful environments, but it seems like FromSoftware wanted to take the "painful" aspect of DS1 and crank it up to the max.

Dark Souls Remastered might be my favorite entry by FromSoft (though I still have yet to play ds2, but I haven't heard great things about it). Dark Souls 3 features the best boss fights in a FromSoft game imo. The game feels great, has amazing bosses, and flows decently nicely, yet very linearly. Dark Souls 1 is the opposite of what I just said. This game is clunky, slow, has okay boss fights (though I think this is just because this game is more of a blue print, and ds3 builds on what is shown here), and isn't really that linear. But the clunky-ness of this game is kind of why I like it. Every action you take must have some thought behind it.

One thing I noticed instantly was that this game doesn't really tell you where to go, and that is what I love most about it. Dark souls 3 had a pretty linear structure with what you should do and where you should go, and that didn't really encourage me to explore. I found myself exploring way more in this game.

One word that comes to my mind when I think about this game: pure. There's something magical and honest about this game that I just don't think you can get from a game as grand as Dark Souls 3. To me, its like comparing A New Hope to The Empire Strikes Back, one being grand and massive, while the other is smaller scale, but has a unique charm and atmosphere to it.

The only negatives to me are the bosses (which again is probably because they set up greater bosses for future games) and some areas such as Blightown and Tomb of The Giants.

For how much hype this game gets, I really don't "get" whats makes this game so good. The environments are very cool, and it felt nice to play, however the story to me was very predictable. It boiled down to "go here and do this". Once you get there to do that thing, something happens to inconvenience you, and it might not even matter anyways. I also just felt like the enemies were boring to fight. The enemies didn't change throughout the game. The survival aspects also made this game much more tedious. Sometimes, it is justified to make the horror better, but to me it just made the game a pain at times.

This review contains spoilers

Us star wars fans have been waiting for an actually good (and cannon) story game to come out, and the Star Wars Jedi series has delivered.
Survivor is the second entry in the series. From a gameplay perspective, this is just a straight upgrade from Fallen Order. Stances are better, more interesting skills, etc. The open world is neat and beautiful, but the only reward for exploring is some stat upgrades and cosmetics, which are nice but not mandatory. The story explores a new era of star wars from the empire era lens.
One gripe I had with combat was that there were some areas with numerous enemies that could combo you to death if you were hit. Sometimes it felt like you were just parry spamming hoping to stun one so you could focus another.
My issues come towards the end of the game (spoilers ahead). One issue I had was, after Cere's death, he gives in to his dark side a little bit too easily. It never felt like he was anywhere close to the dark side really, and Cere's death set him on this wild path (mind you he watched his master die before at a much younger age). Another issue I had was with the message that Bode had that Cal stole when infiltrating the ISB base. The end of the message tells Cal how to get to Tanalorr without the use of the compass. Why didn't Bode know of this, and find a way to prevent Cal from doing so? The ending felt slightly rushed, but not so much to have serious negative effects.
Despite these issues, the story overall is very good. Star Wars isn't necessarily known for being plot-hole-free.
Overall, the game is a solid entry into the Star Wars franchise. Great areas, fun level design and puzzles, solid and fluid combat, and a great story. Definitely a recommend if you are a Star Wars fan. 8/10

Every second I spent playing this game was absolute joy. The combat felt great, as per usual for FromSoftware. It felt like everything was large scale, the sluggishness makes you feel like you are controlling a giant mech, but it doesn't ruin the flow game at all. Also, as expected, this game features amazing bosses, with some even being at the top of the list compared to other fromsoft games. The amount of armor and weapons you can buy allows for a slew of builds, allowing you to create a build uniquely for yourself. Only issues I had were some missions were kind of forgettable, as they would just be "defend the area" style missions, but even then, they were fun

A decent game in the boomer shooter genre. The art style and colors are very appealing, the guns available are fun, unique, and satisfying. Movement feels great as well. My main issues are that some levels are designed poorly (lack of map doesn't help), secrets aren't all that secret, and the enemies you face throughout the game don't change really, and some of those enemies are a pain to deal with. Still, a fun game that's quite memorable.


It's a really short game, but cozy and enjoyable with some light humor.

I put this game off for a long time because the multiplayer didn't really feel like titanfall 1's, and I couldn't really see them making a good campaign. But I was proven wrong, this is seriously one of the best campaigns I've played, especially in a shooter game. The combat is fun, the levels are designed perfectly to allow you to approach missions in pilot or titan form. This allows for moment-to-moment game play that you will not experience anywhere else. The story is fantastic as well. Very emotional journey that will keep you invested. While I would say this is worth whatever it normally is, this game goes on sale for like $5 or something, which is straight up theft.

Fast combat and fluid movement, level design that perfectly complements the movement options. Great game, but for some reason, it doesn't hit the same way games like Doom or Amid Evil hit. But still, essentially a perfect game.

I got into the Halo games in my late teen years. But my lord I was missing out. Halo: CE is a very dated game, but yet, despite all the clunky animations and wonky AI, you can see and feel the soul in this game. A timeless classic.

Dark Fantasy theme + Doom gameplay. If power metal was a video game. While this game isn't as grandiose or visually pleasing as games like Doom Eternal, it's a game that deserves way more attention that it gets.
The weapons are all unique, and they each serve a different purpose. The combat is slick and responsive. The boss fights are memorable. The level design also feels great, with secrets being scattered around. This game proudly wears its influences on its sleeve, but not every game needs to be genre-defying or insanely unique. Sometimes, its comforting to have these games that are very similar to their predecessors.

I got this game, played it for like 4 hours, then quit. I felt like the idea of delivering packages was just nonsensical. The early stages felt overly tedious for no reason. After picking it back up and really getting into, though, I seriously could not put it down. The story is confusing as hell, but still masterfully written. The gameplay, while still just being package delivery, is still decently fun and erelaxing, and it also incorporates story-telling through it. The difference you make in this game is way more tangible, which I believe ties in very well to the overarching theme