I have enjoyed this game from start to finish. The combat is at its best, the character designs are lovable and there are some challenging fights at the end of the game. My only complain is the backtracking that drags the game for more than it is needed. The worst offender being Chapter 6 when you need to talk to NPCs found in different wagons with no fights between. Also not taking several side quests at once drags the game too much.

Extremely boring game, bad combat, awful voice acting, the gameplay is just horrible and the puzzles are sometimes very cryptic and unenjoyable. You can't gaslight me this is the best game ever just because the story is good. I would rather read a book or watch a movie if I was only expecting good story.

Horizon Forbidden West tries to improve over it's predecessor but is dragged down by it's overdifficult mechanics. You are always told to try new things like using traps, attacking the weak point of an enemy or going all out, but it's not the way you should be doing it. There's always a prefered way the game tells you to kill a robot, while Horizon Zero Dawn allowed you to take many routes to take out enemies.The traps have been toned down, stealth has never been a worse mechanic and enemies serve more as damage sponges since hitting it's weak point will not warranty a good advantage over that monster. The exploration feels empty, the collectables are boring, just some Lore here, some green stuff here that allows you to upgrade your armor and repetitive climbing. Upgrades are also a drag, there are lots of weapons and you don't feel like you want to upgrade anything due to the low damage increase and knowing that better weapons are on the way. Killing machines is fun at first, but it gets frustrating after a while. As for the story and characters, the story is subpar to the first game. The first game was shrouded in mistery and you wanted to know what happened in this world. Now we have discovered it and the game tries to drag a very convulated story with more clones and aliens. Feels like playing a Kingdom Hearts story. Also Aloy has never been more annoying. She always gets what she wants, she doesn't learn from her mistakes. On the first game she was never trusted and she did whatever it took to get to her goal, even if people disliked her. Now she's the ALMIGHTY ALOY, she is always told how good and perfect she is. Even the tribes on the west who should not know her a lot give her special treatment like she's their hero. I am not saying this game is bad, but it's certainly a downgrade and after 27 hours I feel like i am being dragged to play this just to complete it instead of being inmersed in this world.

Undertale has a charming story and characters you will love. However, as a whole game, it feels a bit lacking. You only move your character in 4 directions, even in combat. Puzzles are not that great. Music is god-tier. Really fun to play, tho.


Hades will make you love what you may hate about rogues: starting again. With new weapons to try, more movesets, rewarding progression, awesome boss fights and of course, the incredible music, Hades is the best rogue game to play this day.

Pokémon B2W2 are the true masterpieces of mainline Pokémon games. Everything Gamefreak made here is crafted and all the QoL improvements over past titles makes this game fun. This game never gets old due to the pretty pixel art and it certainly is where Pokémon peaked.

No effort was made polishing this game and no effort should be done reviewing this awful game. For people saying "well, it's fun", yeah, because the original is fun and IMO more fun to play. Platinum is still the best Sinnoh experience, go play that.

Ocarina of Time walked before any 3D adventure game could run. This is a timeless masterpiece that is a joy to return to if you grew up playing it.

I have not played any other GTA prior to this and this game bores me. Driving is not fun, dialogue is fun but seems like it was written by a 13 year old sometimes. Feels like I missed GTA as a teenager and now as an adult, GTA V is something I can't relate or love. Feels like an adult simulator for teenagers.


Leaving aside the souls gameplay, Bloodborne is the ultimate Lovecraftian experience, it simply reminds me how much I love videogames and how they can create a world so engaging and mysterious.

An excellent return to form for Metroid, Metroid Dread will leave you wanting more. Excellent controls and moves will make it easy to understand and will make you feel extremely good once you master it.

Metroid Fusion differentiates itself from other Metroid games really well with the whole "parasites" theme and, as usual, excelent level design and unforgettable bosses. Probably the best 2D Metroid after Super Metroid.

Danganronpa takes what makes Phoenix Wright games so addictive and makes them better with incredible soundtrack, amazing design, lovable characters and a story that doesn't take itself too serious for it's own good.

If you enjoyed the disaster that was the Wild Area in Sw/Sh you are in for a good time. Otherwise, these areas are completely forgetable.

Kena: Bridge of spirits is an amazing adventure. It certainly feels like Zelda with Pikmin aspects. Puzzles and incredible combat may be what you will love, but the game lacks polish in platforming and level design. The game feels like a straight line with some branches sometimes, and if you try to do some shortcuts, you will find lots of invisible walls and glitched ground. However, you are in for incredible boss fights and Pixar-like cutscenes.