Berry Nice!! Everynyan loves to suck furcock and say PvP is fun when its not!! 5/5

Yeah great rack and all but the game woulda been better with a Barbie collab

I mean... there are worse driving games with less to do. It's arcadey enough to be silly and you can get a little immersed when you get into the races.

I want this game to be good so badly but playing with aimbot AI that wallbang you like crazy ruined the experience. Then they "fixed" the AI to be as useless as your father. I can't bring myself to check out the quarterly 2 map additions any more.

With friends it has limitless potential but alone it might as well be a free demo

I could think of worse ways to ruin my sex life than committing to ranked in this piece of rat den garbage game

Reminds me of a kid I went to elementary school with. We called him Limp Dick LeDonne.

wasn't Skate 2 but get er done bud