
Shmup list organized from my fav to least.

Hot takes are present, but they are objectively correct and only seem “Hot” because you lack understanding. Sorry!

Unrated games are on the list are ‘will play’

They sent the Dreamcast rom of this out on a usb drive with the Voyager… the soundtrack killed the aliens
A bunch of characters that all let you play a fun game in a bunch of fun ways.

The grazing mechanic makes it so that early stages stay interesting since what nets you score is buddying up to the things that kill you.

The later stages are insane… but if they weren’t then what’s even the point?
The most addicting shmup I’ve ever played!

A bunch of characters all with fun play styles and funny personalities. Hearing their motivations during the stage-transition dialogue is so awesome, AND you can play single player alternating between two different characters on death which lets you see the multiplayer character interactions between what two characters you choose. AWESOME!!!!

The difficulty slider is also great- easy modes don’t feel patronising in the slightest, and the medium/high levels change the bullet speed/density in ways that make the different levels feel like different games in what the game expects of the player (in a good way).

You may ask yourself; “Is there something wrong with this game?” I legit have no clue lmfao shit is so good I actually have no idea please email me if you find something
I like this game more every time I return to it.

The mastery of different ‘fundamentals’ from different shmups directly contribute to your progression. A level-by-level knowledge check that only requires execution is actually super fun when a cute girl pats you on the back at the end of it.

One title that has MAJORLY grown on me.. ultimate ship fanservice
Pressing the button that makes me invincible every 3 seconds to avoid the barrage of bullets fired every 4 seconds.
Dark and cool environment with tedious tedious tedious enemy patterns.
Anime girls using centrifugal force to destroy robots.

The mechanic is interesting and could be fun- but routing is quite rigid. Once you learn how stages ‘should’ be played, it just feels like going through the motions to reclaim what ground is lost when you Game Over.

Improving routing is fun- but didn’t hold my interest.
Coming back to this at some point in time..
The long load times and reliance on memorisation have got me confused on why this is so well liked… maybe when I’m older I’ll understand (I’m 5’5” and haven’t grown in 4 years)











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