I have immense respect for this game in being the grandmother of every indie metroidvania, but for some reason I just don't love it as much as everyone else seems to.

I can understand how some people might enjoy this, but to me it's just confusing, clunky, and overly difficult. Soundtrack is great tho.

There's something about the feel of this game that has never been recaptured by anything else I've played. I just really enjoy being in the world in a way I don't with a lot of other games including other Zeldas.

I will say the sailing in the original version can be tedious in some instances and the Nintendo gallery is just straight up not worth doing. I never minded the Triforce hunt personally.

Fi is far less annoying, you can skip stuff on repeat playthroughs that you couldn't before. The option for no motion controls is great. And the game looks really good. But it still has all that padding and a the sky is still bad.

It's halo CE alright, except with a terrible art style somehow making it feel more dated to em than the original. So quintessentially 2011 looking.

They really turned this one around huh? If you want the best halo experience you're gonna get play MCC. Now let's hope they don't screw it up in future updates.

I mean they tried I guess. Like the story has it's moments and so does the campaign. But it's mostly boring, that goes for campaign and multiplayer.

A lot of people's favorite 2D Zelda, and definitely a pretty good one but not the best.

I do like a lot of things about this game, it's got similar charm to Wind Waker, Linebeck is great, I like that islands aren't stuck to a grid anymore. The dungeons are fine. But man the Temple of the Ocean King really brings the whole thing down.

Good DLC that expands the characters a bit more and has probably the best "dungeon" in the game. Gotta love the Master Cycle.

Easily the most fun Zelda game to 100% with a damn near perfect dungeon lineup.
A lot of people find the time limit stressful but I really love it.

The Trials themselves are fantastic. Mastermode is terrible and clearly not well thought through. Breakable weapons and regenerating health don't really go together.

Probably the best Zelda (the character) before BotW, TotK, and AoC. I love that she was finally given an active role. I'm glad the tower of spirits doesn't require repeat floors

I'd be hard pressed to beat this without a guide. The combat is downright frustrating and the dungeons are nothing to write home about. I appreciate it for what it started but I don't like to play it.

It's good but not all that memorable story or dungeon wise it definitely feels like Ages got more attention.