4 hours? Who cares, this campaign is fun as hell. It also introduced firefight which was just iconic.

I really want to love this one, but it's woefully unfinished and likely never will be. I enjoy the campaign for what it is but it could've been so much more. The multiplayer is enjoyable in small doses but it's live service focus is just depressing.

I mean they tried I guess. Like the story has it's moments and so does the campaign. But it's mostly boring, that goes for campaign and multiplayer.

Iconic Campaign, I even like the Arbiter levels. Peak of the Halo sundtracks. Legendary is a miserable experience but I won't hold that against the game too harshly.
I only ever played local multiplayer so I don't really have much to say about the OG Xbox Live experience unfortunately.

A good way for Bungie to go out. The story is simple but effective and the multiplayer was a great time and hasn't been topped by another Halo since. Legendary campaign is incredibly tedious tho with overly spongey enemies.

Certainly a classic with a lot of great moments and an iconic soundtrack. Unfortunately the repetition towards the end and the library really being it down.

Fixed the few problems I had with Wind Waker which I already thought was pretty amazing.

Fi is far less annoying, you can skip stuff on repeat playthroughs that you couldn't before. The option for no motion controls is great. And the game looks really good. But it still has all that padding and a the sky is still bad.

I can understand how some people might enjoy this, but to me it's just confusing, clunky, and overly difficult. Soundtrack is great tho.

The Trials themselves are fantastic. Mastermode is terrible and clearly not well thought through. Breakable weapons and regenerating health don't really go together.

Good DLC that expands the characters a bit more and has probably the best "dungeon" in the game. Gotta love the Master Cycle.

I've never played this one with 4 people unfortunately so I can only comment on the singleplayer and it's good. Not amazing just good.

The least necessary remake. It's just Twilight princess with basically no notable differences besides a transformation button on the game pad and a few less tears of light.

The best of the Gameboy games. It's dungeons are really good and it surprisingly has a solid story.

It's good but not all that memorable story or dungeon wise it definitely feels like Ages got more attention.