Easily the most fun Zelda game to 100% with a damn near perfect dungeon lineup.
A lot of people find the time limit stressful but I really love it.

Have you gone back and played this after the 3DS version?
It's still a great game obviously but it feels dated to me now in a way it didn't before the remake.

A lot of people's favorite 2D Zelda, and definitely a pretty good one but not the best.

There's something about the feel of this game that has never been recaptured by anything else I've played. I just really enjoy being in the world in a way I don't with a lot of other games including other Zeldas.

I will say the sailing in the original version can be tedious in some instances and the Nintendo gallery is just straight up not worth doing. I never minded the Triforce hunt personally.

Damn near perfect game. Fixed basically every little problem in Ocarina of Time 64. It actually made me really love the water temple. My biggest issues are really just how basic the story is and how bare bones the combat is, and honestly that's just because of how old the game is.

Easily the best big collectable in the series in the form of Maiamais, probably the most enjoyable 2D combat as well with the enemy gauntlet really showing of the utility of all the items. The dungeons are very good but not quite on par with Minish Cap or Link's Awakening.

I'd be hard pressed to beat this without a guide. The combat is downright frustrating and the dungeons are nothing to write home about. I appreciate it for what it started but I don't like to play it.

Peak Zelda pixelart, fun dungeons, banger soundtrack, fun companions, and one really horrible figure collecting sidequest.

Probably my favorite Zelda story, it definitely has some great dungeons and fantastic bosses, but also so much padding, like so much you wouldn't believe. The imprisoned alone makes this game lose half a star. The sky is also just bad and bland.

I really wanna give this a 5/5 because it fixes so much from the original which already had some of the best 2D dungeons and the most compelling story in a 2D Zelda. It's a quick and comfy experience, but my god just give up on 100% unless you like torturing yourself with one of the worst level makers I've ever seen. Also the 8 directional movement can cause issues sometimes.

See what I said about the original for praise.
They ruined the bosses they're so bad now. Fishing was just unnecessary and not mechanically rich enough to be enjoyable. The visuals also just have the wrong vibe now and it gets it's probably overlit because it's on a handheld.
I do like that they rearranged the bottles so you get more before having to get the Zora eggs and that the ocean skulltula house doesn't only reward you on day 3 anymore.

I do like a lot of things about this game, it's got similar charm to Wind Waker, Linebeck is great, I like that islands aren't stuck to a grid anymore. The dungeons are fine. But man the Temple of the Ocean King really brings the whole thing down.

The best Dungeons and companion character in the franchise, bar none. Probably top 3 soundtracks too. The long intro and tears of light are the only things that really drag it down for me. Oh and the sky letters quest.

Probably the best Zelda (the character) before BotW, TotK, and AoC. I love that she was finally given an active role. I'm glad the tower of spirits doesn't require repeat floors

Some of the best 2D Zelda Dungeons with most compelling story. The hardware really made this one clunky to play. The constant item switching needed to just navigate the overworld is really annoying.