Further games made a lot of improvements, but this one's a stone cold classic. And Ezio is a top tier character

Playing it for the first time in the 2020s is not flattering, man

Its like cold leftovers of the best pizza ever, it's still good, even better in some ways but it's just not hitting the same way.

Three runs in and I still give it that face.
What i do is start another one again

I played it semi-begrudgingly because I accentally bought it in a bundle, and now I'm a big souls nut because of it!

It does just enough to be more than just a star wars skin on a decent souls-like, but not enough to make me love it

Aged weirdly Well in some ways, horribly in others, but it's got a ton of undeniable charm, and a vibe that's still completely unique in gaming

A sequel that refines the systems of returnal and has a more rewarding end to a story would he an easy 10/10

Pure and simple, the perfect rogue-lite

Unless you bounce off hard this sort of humour, it's worth giving a try

A beautiful face-lift for three great games. Playing for the first time in 2019 was still a revelation

It rarely wows but always delights. Though it overstays its welcome a tad