unironically the one of the best games ever made and my favorite by far.

terraria but its better (somehow)

such good free to play that i regularly am at the gem cap not knowing what to spend them all on. That being said the game is so insanely hard to get into that after 200 hours i still dont know wtf i am doing. if you like yugioh this is a very fun one but if you dont keep in mind it will take INSANELY long to get into

a perfect game with a perfect modding scene

game isnt even out yet and its miles above any fps ever

one of the best stealth games. i love the old pc game esque quicksave and quickloading you see in games like portal 1, it really lets you min max in a very fun way. the most fun ive had is doing a no powers ghost and pacifist playthrough recently. It rlly shows how well the game is made considering you can reasonably beat it with that many restrictions.

sf gameplay just doesnt click with me.

a very fun, cute game you can 100% just before it gets old

very funny clip farm but it gets old quick

dmc is so bad its good without it actually being bad. the whole series (except 2 we dont talk about 2) strikes a perfect balance between corny, cool, dumb and funny as fuck (whether intentional or not) dont get me wrong this game has flaws, but i really enjoyed my time with it and thats what matters.