Great for the DS, but looking back the level curve really does hurt this one.

Hey Teddie.

This goes for a lighter tone than 3. Kinda mixed on that. Plus, I don't really get the love for a few of these characters. Otherwise, a worthy addition.

Weirdly VERY hard to replay. I can't bring myself to do it, unlike with Mario 64.

I mean if this isn't the peak of Pokemon, I don't know what is.

Solid, but later entries really picked up where this was lacking. Other than the weird pacing and zig zagged difficulty, there's a good game here.

INSANELY replayable. I've beaten this game so many times it's not even funny.

I'm not joking when I say this made me appreciate video game music more than any other game.

Flicking can be really annoying at times, and some games (COUGH THE DAZZLES COUGH) are real stinkers. But for every eh game, there are like 3 amazing ones, so it's all good.


Amazing story, only problem is the combat makes it so you can just find one thing that works for you, and you never have to do another strategy.

Also a 9/10.

They did so much with this concept, I could hardly believe it. It's bonkers, it knows it, and yet it's still fucking incredible.

Tactics were a great idea honestly, I know that's controversial but yeah. Second half is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had, first half is still amazing but a few eh moments. I recommend this to any teen.

If you ever feel useless, at least you're not the Re:Action mechanic from DR1.

I like the funny bear. Pretty emotional at times, though Chapter 5 was just... odd. Probably the best ending of the 3 though.

Mixed characters, I don't really see Chapter 2 being brought up enough. It's pretty eh. Plus we all know how bad Chapter 3 is.

Nagito though? Yeah, there's a reason everybody focuses on him. Incredibly made character.

Kind of gets a bad rap. There's a good story here somewhere. But it's bogged down but a lot of unfunny moments, and awful pacing.

But you know what? I LIKE the gameplay. Once again though, the characters are the best part. That's kind of a theme with Danganronpa, truly.

Best characters in any game ever.