620 Reviews liked by Mad4Maxwell

Score: 90/100
I love the ultimate spider-man comics and I love this game. Peak spider-man content.

The game that started it. Batman Arkham Asylum is a masterpiece in every sense. The thrilling combat, gripping narrative and the atmosphere & ambience truly makes one feel as the Dark Knight. The ability to switch between beat-em-up combat and stealth is second to none. If you're a batman fan, this is a game for you. And if you aren't, this game would turn you into one.

10/10 would bang Poison Ivy :3

Absolutely loved this game in spite of all its flaws. I especially enjoyed the action combat (during boss fights and notorious marks). There were some low points but all the characters gripped me and I wept quite hard at the ending.

Fallout New Vegas, from the bounds of my thoughts to rating games, does something no else does. Because if you take away the PC buggy-ness due to age, you have one of the best games ever produced. A game filled with so much fun, life, and creativity, that even while playing in 2023, it still holds up. Beyond even that of games release in the past five years. A must play for everyone; and something that is more then earned its worth to sit on my best games of all time list.

An overall good time. I like the music, and the slower combat does have its moments sometimes. Still, the whole series is so stupid I could never take it seriously. Doesn't stop me from enjoying it though!

If you fuck this game up I will fuck you up

Edit as of Sunday, August 20th 2023: They did not fuck it up. Good shit boys pick it up

Overall thoughts:
Great game, one of the best that I've played this year but a few shortcomings keep it from being a masterpiece.

FF16 looks great. Definitely one of the best visual experiences I've had in a game. Framerate can be inconsistent, but the art and graphics are great enough to supersede that.

Seeing Clive's journey and growth throughout the game, the man he becomes and how it impacts those around him was beautiful to see. Other characters were great too. Jill, Cid, Gav, Dion, Torgal, etc.

Story was great aside from some pacing issues (post timeskip in the midway part of the story) and slightly towards the end.

Gameplay was fun albeit easy. Action flowed well and being able to the various eikon abilities was cool. I just wish that Final Fantasy Mode was available from the beginning not after beating it once. Attack animations were beautiful, and the ability variety and combinations were fun to experiment with The Eikon boss fights were peak. Amazing stuff, especially the cinematography for them

Concluding thoughts:
All in all, great experience. Can definitely see myself returning to this in the near future.

At one point it was my favourite Lego game, still top 3! Absolutely amazing gameplay and is the first talking Lego game!!

Game Of The Year. Actually, no, greatest game of all time

Outright Games comes back in 2022 with another undeniable classic in the form of Jojo Siwa’s Worldwide Party. As of writing this review, Outright Games has been putting game of the year after game of the year. Recently, the developer announced a sequel to their critically acclaimed point-and-go adventure game My Friend Peppa Pig, which makes me astounded at the number of undisputed masterpieces put out in such a short time.

Starring Dance Moms and J Team star Joanie Joelle Siwa, otherwise known as Jojo Siwa, Jojo Siwa’s Worldwide Party is a rhythm-platformer akin to such likes of Harmoknight, only better. The plot follows Jojo Siwa on an international tour to satisfy the musical needs of everyone in the world, dancing to her hit singles along the way.

Plotwise, WorldWide Party is nothing short of amazing. The plot may be one of the greatest pieces of media writing of all time. Nothing written in existence is even close to the caliber that Jojo Siwa wields here. But unfortunately, we don’t get enough of it. The campaign lasts for 2-3 hours give or take, but makes up for that in replay value. Every level is infinitely replayable with its interchangeable music and a plentiful amount of collectibles in the form of cosmetics. If you’re planning on gaining a 100% mark for this game, you better buckle up for a long ride because you’re going to stay inside for A WHILE!

Regarding everything else about this game, they are nothing short of masterful. The gameplay is nice and simple all the while being as complex as it can be. On top of that, there’s an ingenious gameplay loop that keeps you entertained throughout the game, making playing never boring. The game revolves around jumping and sliding to the music in the background. This keeps bringing you back over and over again by doing absolutely nothing.

The soundtrack consists of the grammy award-winning songs that we all know and love. D.R.E.A.M, High-Top Shoes, and Nonstop, all of these are songs we hear during gameplay and that’s just wonderful! These songs play on a loop on every stage, meaning you’ll never get tired of your favorite songs! Personally, my favorite song in the game is Bop, a song about the troubles of life. It provides an extremely deep insight into how our world works for kids, and I respect that a lot.

The game is a masterclass in visuals. God Of War? Forgetful. Sonic Frontiers? Looks like a kid's game. Jojo Siwa’s Worldwide Party brings the most realistic visuals OF ALL TIME to the table, and so far? Nobody in the business has ever made anything that COMES CLOSE TO THIS. Its use of stock assets really brings out the fact that anybody can create something great, just not as great as Jojo Siwa.

So overall? Jojo Siwa’s Worldwide Party is a stunning gem of a game. There’s nothing about it that can ever be topped for another 10,000 years! This game is easily the game of the year for 2022 with no competition on its back for the foreseeable future. The one thing that I can leave you with is that you should watch out for that sequel that may or may not be coming, because a sequel to a masterpiece like this will cause something great to happen.


Love Final Fantasy XVI the History, character design, soundtrack, the gameplay is amazing. Is a masterpiece