Common criticisms I strongly disagree with

Inspired by Poefred's list.
Spoiler warning for Xenoblade 3, LAiX, and TGAA. The others are basically spoiler free.

"Doesn't change enough from BotW, basically DLC" is a baffling criticism to me because basically everyone under the sun pre-launch was saying they just wanted a better version of Breath of the Wild. We knew that's essentially what we were gonna get, and that's what I personally wanted, so I dunno what people were expecting.
"Too many DS1 references" uhhhh actually nerd emoji the real problem nerd emoji is that there aren't enough DS2 references nerd emoji
"Doesn't have enough replayability" sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me mastering the combat so I can clear the Mortal Journey
"Gets bad after Anor Londo" is true if you're only looking at Lost Izalith. Tomb of the Giants and The Duke's Archives are great, and although I dislike New Londo, it's really not that bad.
"Side Story Sena isn't about Sena" my brother in christ do you know what a narrative foil is? Shania is a reflection of what Sena could have become, anything that impacts Shania directly impacts Sena as a character and vice versa.
"Too many ganks/ambushes" Brother have you SEEN Dark Souls 3? Every YouTuber who complains about DS2 specifically uses Iron Keep as an example because that's basically the only area in the game where this is an issue. Meanwhile every area in DS3 is ambush city, I don't get it
"The game becomes monotonous on replays" Then honestly, don't replay it. It's okay to have an incomplete understanding of the full story; in some ways that actually makes the overall narrative more profound than if you figure everything out. I played through Verdant Wind, watched Azure Moon, and was satisfied with that.
"Too much horny/anime bs" is not wrong but I don't think is a very productive criticism as it doesn't bring up the core reason as to why it's an issue. Segments like the Mythra bed scene or basically anything with Tora sucks because it steals screentime away from things that actually needed more attention, like the conflict between Uraya and Mor Ardain.
There isn't a particular criticism that comes to mind, I just wanna use this note as an excuse to defend Awakening. I think Awakening's first act (Gangrel Arc I guess) is peak Fire Emblem, and while the game falls off afterwards that first section is genuinely perfection
"The controls are bad" I'm left handed and never had an issue with the controls. Am I just built different or has the arthritis not set in yet?
"Rough pacing" I disagree with this because this needed to be a slow burn in order for Shu Takumi to properly tell this story. We needed to see Naruhodo's slow growth as a lawyer, see everyone else doubt him, see him doubt himself, only for Ryunosuke to truly prove everyone wrong in the final case and show just how much he's willing to risk in order to save his client. Banger game holy shit
"Level design is dated" I don't know how common this actually is, but I've heard it a few times and I find it baffling. MM11 has the best level design in the entire Classic series IMO
"The story is uninteresting until the final twist" This game's entire story is based around the final twist, yes, but it makes for an extremely interesting narrative because there is foreshadowing CONSTANTLY. Little hints here and there, the attitude of Copen, the red-herring twist involving Blade to make you feel like you're figuring everything out ahead of the game, etc. It's super smart and not something you see in stories often.

1 Comment

1 month ago

I agree with you that I don't get the criticism that Mega Man 11's levels feel dated... Mostly because they are some of the worst stages in the main series, so long and boring, it is incredible.

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