Growing up, trying not to be saddled with previous Earth-en expectations and burdens, watching people you thought you knew change (or not) right in front of you. Unapologetic queerness and disregard for traditional relationship barriers. Loves lies crushing and hope springs eternal.

So much better than the vanilla Q2 campaign, thanks to all the years that have passed where players and designers both have come to understand the best ways to use monsters and design level geometry around them. Feels like a Quake mapping jam / Doom community project, there's a solid variety of map types and I was particularly happy to see more than one map with slaughter DNA very upfront. Would recommend Operation Corpse Run in particular if you're not sure that you want to spend time playing the full thing yet - Really impressed me with its aggressive action.

For the PC release in the 1.5 + 2.5 collection.

Eternal nostalgia.

i got trapped in the crumbling building with the old couple for hours dude

Cute game for demon girls who want to save other demon girls and overthrow evangelical priests and holy knights. Visibility becomes a bit of a problem later, unfortunately.

Completely and utterly burned out on The Open World Formula, even with the tone this has. Great freerunning system, too bad the gameplay loop wants you to stop regularly to loot/lockpick boxes on rooftops and balconies so often. Also has great lighting. Probably more appealing before the gross saturation of the open world formula happened.

Also native linux version is broken lol. Run it through Proton.

Wonderfully beginner friendly, great gameplay-based incentive for playing dangerously, silly characters, and just generally cute all around.

Finding it a bit hard to separate this and the base game in my mind, mainly because this largely plays and feels like the extended endgame that the base game kind of just didn't have. You basically get thrown back in with all the tools that you spend the base game getting, and get to use them for a few hours (with a couple of extra enemy mechanics to spice it up). It's fun.

I saw some people had some issues with the Spirit enemies, and I think they might be slightly disruptive to the combat loop but most of the time they work just fine, it's another High Value Target that you need to pay attention to. They're used moderately poorly at the end, because the arena that you're in just kind of has you fighting them with almost no other monsters to engage in the rest of the combat loop with, and it shows how much the game is built on that chaotic loop. It really needs there to be a lot of monsters trying to fuck you up, or it starts to feel weird.

This is also the point where the lore goes from really annoyingly bad to enlightened funny self-parody.

Plays like a cracked out arcade evolution of Doom 2016. It demands a lot out of you, it has a very specific loop (with lots of different tools to accomplish that loop) and wants you to master it.

Feels best to completely ignore the narrative and lore dumping, it's mostly just annoying repetitive jokes (rip & tear, mortally challenged, etc.) and nonsensical backstory, but it hasn't quite reached the funny self-parody level in the DLCs yet.

True beauty is found in strange, icy things.

Touched my gay little disorganized heart. Maybe it will touch yours too.

chaos farm -> scrape gigapedes -> shotgun tech -> scrape gigapedes -> shotgun tech -> scrape gigapedes -> shotgun tech (repeat ad infinitum) -> die in late endloop -> press R

The office building section of this game is kin to Half-Life. The drab and repetitive texturing and the labyrinthian architecture end up making it feel the same as Black Mesa, time loses all meaning and you get lost in something much larger than you. Also totally a "Worst Monday Ever" type of game.

Wants to wear the FEAR skin so badly, but for some reason it angles towards Gory Kill Simulator instead.

Not sure what to think about it mostly boiling down to a choice between "morally good, but probably deadly" and "morally fucked, but in the name of survival" at every big moment. Unique though, for sure.