201 reviews liked by Marion0625

Such a cool-ass game with nice, little details that give it a survival horror feel. I love how you have to check your ammo manually, rather than it just being on the HUD. I love how it can be really creepy and daunting, even without any enemies present. Doing actual crime-scene work that was (probably) realistic was a neat mechanic too, using all the gadgets was so cool.

Going through this horribly run-down part of town and exploring these abandoned buildings riddled with hobos trying to kill you was so enthralling, I couldn't get enough back in the day!

I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to rail shooters. Regarding the entire subgenre, I think House of the Dead and Time Crisis cracked the code on what makes it such a gratifying way to play, and nearly every studio trying to make their own of that ilk do not understand what made those games so great from a game design standpoint.

With all that said, the Silent Hill arcade game is surprisingly good. Not amazing, it still feels lacking in a lot of aspects, but the pace is just right, and the multiple paths and unique bosses make it fun to play through a few times. The challenge feels just below engaging, but it could've been a difficulty switch turned low or something, I'm not sure.

It's very funny seeing Konami delegate some Western yahoos to continue the mainline entries of the series, while gathering a bunch of their in-house devs to make a goofy rail-shooter.

Harrowing and relatable story. There's nothing worse than how few people understnad understand the genius of fortressgalude review

One of the cutest survival games you'll ever play! Pikmin is so charming and simple, yet can get you sweating with its huge enemy types, calendar system, and countdown to dusk hour! How can a game be so adorable but stressful at the same time?

Building up and moving with your pikmin arsenal is a lot of fun, and I love the atmosphere of the game, it really gives off the vibe of Earth years after humanity was wiped out, so this little guy is exploring tiny parts of nature in order to rebuild his ship to get back home. I also love the strategy that comes from using different kinds of pikmin to overcome obstacles and find secrets. It's an incredibly satisfying game that thrives on its simplicity, while also impersonating aspects of a really good RTS! It's as Nintendo as things get, so to speak.

Doesn't matter if it originally came out in 2001, this is my pick for the best game of 2023 because that week long period where the remaster came out and countless first time players were posting clips of Pikmin dying in stupid and/or funny ways was some high quality entertainment



soooooo cool :)

Between Rez, Sin and Punishment, Killer7 and Panzer Dragoon I think the rail shooter gotta be the most underappreciated game genre

Isn’t it weird how a release can feel like a genuine gift to players, but at the same time like a rushed cash grab?

Like, I’m genuinely happy that three bona fide classics are playable, in somewhat original form, on modern consoles. I.e., no emulation Kung Fu needed, or juggling with 3rd party paraphernalia to get your old consoles running on a modern TV.

Metal Gear Solids 1-3, playable on the Switch”, they said. Well, all right then. I’m unironically here for that.

On the other hand, this has to be the most half-assed game collection in recent memory. Personally, I don’t particularly mind that the games aren’t in full HD, 60 fps and what have you. In fact, I prefer them not to be. But that’s a “me-problem”, and really beside the point. Those kinds of features are the norm in any kind of (supposed) Criterion-treatment of a beloved series, and should at least be optional.

Then there’s the confusing packaging. Having each game, and the bonus features, as separate installations sure is a choice. I’m no developer but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why they just didn’t put all the games and bonus features in one menu.

Speaking of bonus features, reading the Masterbooks (basically, an art+lore book/”making of”-.pdf) on a TV – let alone on a handheld Switch – is downright awkward. This is exactly the kind of collectible feature that players would shell out top dollars for. Hey, Konami. “Books”, remember those things? And the less said about the user experience of the online manual, the better.

So no, sadly, this isn’t the triumphant return of a formerly beloved developer/publisher to console gaming, and why would it be? Konami’s shareholders are more than happy with the company’s focus on mobile gaming, pachinko machines and Yu-Gi-Oh.

What’s worse is I have a sinking feeling that the upcoming Metal Gear Delta release won’t be a return to form, either. Honestly, MGS 3’s latest version (the PS3 HD Subsistence-version, included in the collection) has aged just fine.

But you know what game would benefit from a makeover? MGS1, that’s what. From frustrating control and camera to icky characterizations and dated script. The amount of time spent on talking about Meryl’s butt is cringe-inducing. A modern retelling of the game, from the ground up in a new engine, would be interesting to see (and not just a Twin Snakes-reskin is what I’m trying to say).

That would take considerable effort though. Judging by Metal Gear Solid Master Collection: Volume 1 Konami has none to spare.