Interesting game, but it does feel a little too long in the tooth. The writing is well done and I liked that you can't do everything in one go, and things will go wrong and people will die and you might not finish a questline in time to stop someone from doing something or solving some problem - but the gameplay is very one note and gets tedious very quickly. I did one and a half playthroughs and I'm honestly spent on this game. I don't think I'll ever go back to it, but what I did experience was very good. I just wish there was a way to experience the story in a much faster way on replay.

Absolutely amazing game. The side quests are hit-and-miss, but overall it's a great experience.

Seems okay, but nothing in it really hooked me. The movement speed was a little too slow for my liking, with a lot of trekking around unnecessarily large rooms of nothing back and forth.
Shelving it, for now, but I might revisit it at some point. Right now, I have no motivation to keep going with this.

Very fun game - and this is coming from someone who is not the biggest fan of Metroidvanias. It's literally this one and, like, Hollow Knight?
The only issue I have is that the later levels are very unfun to play through, with a bunch of hit-sponge enemies and bosses thrown in, and one level that is just constantly draining your health - which is never fun.
Overall though, it was a beautiful experience and I'm glad I stuck it out.

Solid JRPG packed full of your favourite characters (if you like Fairy Tail). The only real issue I have is the grindy nature of the game. Grind out boring requests, grind out affection between party members, grind to raise the guild's rank. Everything is a grind. It's very repetitive and gets boring fast.
Might pick back up at a later point.

Got to chapter 2 of the character stories and realized I was just bored and going through everything felt more like a chore than a reward. Might pick it up at a later point, but I also was not having fun with it.

Actually pretty good, which was surprising. It's a neat little spin on the TellTale formula, although it also suffers from the same technical issues and graphical hiccups. The characters are also not as consistently written as in a TellTale game, however, with many of them seeming to change their motivations, reactions to you and personalities on a whim according to the story and the conflict at the time. The last 2 episodes are also very weak, especially the ending itself.
Overall, I had a good enough time with it though.

Honestly, pretty fun little game. It's a little janky and pretty hard in the beginning, but once you get used to the nuances of the sneaking and get a suit of armour together, it makes things much more manageable.

Honestly really good and very interesting world and premise, but it is just so fucking hard. No shot I'm ever getting through this game, even though I managed to scrounge together an entire party. I just hit a wall where the areas I have left to explore are too challenging to get through and having to constantly run back to the one safe place to save after exploring bit by bit became more tedious the more progress I was making.
It would be much better - or I would at least be more inclined to complete this - if there were some more save points so that hitting some unexpected coin flip kill point or having to reset due to a lousy battle didn't feel like so much work and wasted effort.


Great visual aesthetic, but the gameplay is actually kinda stiff and shitty and narratively there's really not much there. I cannot tell you how many times I just fell into the infinite white void coz I slipped off an edge or a jump just somehow didn't reach that one time, or even worse, overshot the next platform.
I guess it was going for a type of Journey/Abzu-like vibe, where the game is meant to be an experience, but outside of some nice visual pieces, I didn't enjoy my time with this anywhere near as much as I enjoyed those two games. Also, fuck the trophies for this game - no way am I spending hours upon hours completing speed runs.
I wish the dancer-like movement could be used in more games though - although preferably something good.

Interesting art style and premise, but the gameplay is way too janky, unresponsive and doesn't feel good.
Dodging and attacking aren't responsive or smooth enough for this type of game. The game world has weird edges and pieces don't fit together properly so you're sometimes unsure of what exactly you're looking at and what path you can take. The same holds true of large enemies, where you can literally stand inside their model and be safe from getting hit, but then be hit by the back of their claw or something and take damage. Having to hold UP to grab ledges while platforming feels bad man. Finally, having to reload a save upon death in a Dark Soul's-like is a cardinal sin against humanity.
I was gonna shelve it for maybe a return later on, but I don't think I'll pick it up again. Which is a shame because I actually liked the world that was presented and the multiple ongoing quests and levelling system.

Yeah no, this is not for me. Couldn't stand the narrator and the combat is really clunky, despite the illusion of smoothness. Don't think I'll ever come back to this.

An absolutely flawed masterpiece. The main storyline, characters, world and soundtrack are 10/10, but the repetitive side content, bugginess and trivial combat mar the experience.

Anime Dark Souls was actually kinda banging. Not the best of narratives, and the combat was a little too clunky, but I had a good time with it.