Peak metal gear in every conceivable way, it has an obvious story focus like the previous game but the gameplay is right up there, the stealth and the multiple options you have keeps game fresh and fun at all times never felt bored at all playing this game.

This game is very story focused but the gameplay is good enough to keep immersion steady throughout the time you play it. Great start for a great series.

Pretty much takes half life 1 and improves on pretty much everything, beating enemies to death with physics is also a great pass time, puzzles weren't the best but the immersion stayed constant throughout the time I played. You can easily see why people love this game and understand how it's known as the trend setter of physics games.

Star wars peak fiction, the story is insanely good the combat well good enough imo, the designs the immersion and the customising you're able to do is very good. You could easily spend a life time in this game and still discover more stuff.

Atmosphere, visuals and the OSTS in this game are awesome and helps the immersion stay consistent throughout the game the gameplay is very good for people who wanna start this genre I recommend this game fully.

Even though the gameplay can be boiled down to a basic dungeon crawler, the other mechanics do make up for it, the story even though its one of those "uber heartwarming" ones it is good.

This games atmosphere is by far the best I've encountered so far the way its capable of creating errily unsettling situations is amazing, whilst also but rare creating even uplifting themes. The world nikki is best described as deciveingly massive as you start to explore more and more, even tho the main "objective" doesn't really exist spending your time wandering and encountering special events and npcs is very fun, the design of each level are vastly unique when compared. The way how this game shows how a shut-in lives and how it can take affect on ones mental state showcased how usually most of Madotsukis dreams being are far from happy gives the avid feel then even when she escapes from the outside world into her dream one she still can't be happy.

The gameplay and atmosphere are immersing throughout most of the game, I do admit it can feel a little repetitive and some parts but eh, the overall story is good and easy to understand without trapping you into a 3 hour cut scene.

By far the best souls game, the designs the setting and the lore are completely perfect. If you're fan of Souls game difficulty and are into Eldritch setting this is the game for you.

Imo this halo has the best story in the series and also the hardest halo ofc if you're playing LASO mode which I do recommend if you want it to be changeling.

Insanely great gameplay keeps you immersed, I would say its rather too easy and the story is okay ish this game is definitely carried by its gameplay.

After the huge disappointment that 2 was this was ridiculously surprising with the quality I was presented, the story is good and gameplay mechanics like the combo sytem keep you completely immersed all the time you play it.

"Forged by the gods"

I mean its minecraft tf do I need to say.