Good gameplay and world building the story obviously has zero substance to it tbh, the graphics are good but I did fine it to be too easy.

This started my touhou obsession.

Best touhou OSTs absolutely smack and obviously well enough difficulty.

Imo Neo metal carried this for me

By far the best sonic game, awesome graphics and level designs and the music is phenomenal. Highly recommend to sonic fans.

Junko was the only really interesting character in this game and monokuma is cute.

1st zelda game I ever played, I don't remember much bc I played it as a kid but I so remember constantly replaying it over and over again, due to how refreshing the style of gameplay was.

The story is very well put together, the gameplay is absolutely amazing the whole wall gimmick makes boss fighting really immersing by far one of the best zeldas I've played.

By far the best souls game, the designs the setting and the lore are completely perfect. If you're fan of Souls game difficulty and are into Eldritch setting this is the game for you.

This by far my favourite game.
The look of it is amazing the story and the fighting system is fun and is challenging enough, I like games that you can put many hours into and this let's me do that, the bond you slowly devolp with whichever servant you choose is something not a lot of games do either at all or good and this game does it perfectly. Also Nero padoru padoru UMU

Somehow this game was able to live up to my expectations after the 1st one.

That aside this game even tho I'm biased to 1st improves on nearly everything mainly gameplay wise and yet again the story is peak fiction.

Extremely funny and fun, story lacked substances though.