That ending really was a gut punch, still holds up over 20 years later.

Can't believe it took me this long to play this one, guess never owning a PS3 or Xbox 360 meant I missed out on a lot huh.

Anyways, great game. The story is the star of the show here, it's equal parts thrilling and heartbreaking. Part of me is glad I played RDR 2 first back when that came out since it contextualized a lot of this game, a lot more depth in that one.

Great switch port, though the gameplay does feel a bit dated at times. All in all really enjoyed my time with this one!

Played as apart of the MGS Collection on the Switch. Really liked it, though it hasn't aged the best. Loved Kojima's goofy ass dialogue in this.

Great graphical showcase for the PS5. Loved the enhancements from the first game, wish the story was a little bit more focused though. Felt like they should've focused either on Kraven OR Venom.

Haven't really played Cyberpunk since the base game came out 3 years ago. I played it on PS5 so I had a good experience, but there were some cracks in the game's presentation.

Easily one of the most engrossing DLC stories I've ever played. The game is also completely refined from its original launch state, making the environments beautiful to look at/navigate through, and the combat incredibly fluid.

There's just so much great content in this. Back in 2020 it took me like 21 hours to roll credits on the base game, now I've just beaten the DLC and have 25 hours already logged, and I'm not even done with the main story yet.

I'm gonna end up completing the rest of the game soon hopefully, it's been a story I've wanted to dive back into since beating it for the first time in 2020. This DLC is an absolute treat though. Well worth the money, with an engaging story and great gameplay moments to show for it.

Not sure if I could say that I loved this game, but after one playthrough I can say that I really really liked it.

Exploring the world is fun, and the combat is arguably the best out of any Bethesda Game Studios game that I've played.

The story, though a bit slow in the beginning, really hits its stride after the midpoint of the game. At the end of it I was getting a bit sad about the choice that I have make, wondering if all of this was worth it. It's a surprisingly poignant and melancholic story towards the end, and that's one of the things that I loved about this game. It feels very classic science fiction, while still adding something new to the pantheon.

I know that I'll be revisiting this one for years down the line. This game was the whole reason why I bought an Xbox in the first place, and I'm not disappointed in the slightest.

Took a break from Starfield to play this. Really great gameplay, fluid and fun.

Also loved the soundtrack from Machine Girl. Been a big fan of them since like 2019.

Gonna have 50s swing music stuck in my head for the next week now

Very mixed feelings with this one.

On one hand the combat is as good as ever and there are some great "classic" Bayonetta moments in the game.

On the other hand the game gets bogged down by this whole unnecessary multiverse bullshit to produce a story I could only best describe as "lacking". That and the game has such a grand scope that it ultimately suffers because of, both in the technical aspects and in terms of the overall gameplay. In some ways this looks worse than Bayonetta 2, a game that came out like 9 years ago.

Did I have some fun with it, yeah sure. But the end result is somewhat of a mixed bag. I really wanted to love this, especially given that the first and second games are among some of my favorites. The end result, however, is kinda a mess with some good moments sprinkled in.

Genuinely can't think of anything wrong with this game, such a great experience that I'm glad I took my time with.

Honestly a return to form for the series, the gameplay here is just so fluid and a joy to experiment with.

Also the story was surprisingly consistent throughout. I kinda liked the smaller scale feel to it.

If they do the whole open world thing with the next Halo game I hope they give us some more environments to explore. Like, bring back the snowy environments.

So this is the shitty one lol. Great visuals and sense of spectacle, too bad the campaign is dogshit.

Also not a fan of how they completely overhauled all of the forerunner enemies/weapons, made everything feel kinda slow.

Technically been playing the Master Chief Collection but fuck it I wanna log all of the games individually.

Had a somewhat tough time getting into it, but by the end I was enjoying myself. Solid game all around.

Kinda weird going back to a more linear mainline Zelda game after Breath of the Wild, but it was enjoyable!! A little tedious at times, but still a fun game and good story nonetheless! Surprisingly this was my first time playing through this game lol, but I had fun with it for sure.