Building off of the already impressive open world design philosophy of Breath of the Wild this title could have easily coasted by just being more of the same. Instead we were treated to a wide range of incredible set pieces, unique puzzles and powerful enemies. All which we had the freedom to tackle how we see fit.

Formulating my thoughts on Tears of the Kingdom is tough. I feel like it is hard to capture into words just how immersive and freeing this title is. Nintendo created unique and interesting locations but rather than gate us down a specific path that gave us the true freedom leading to so much variety when completing objectives.

One could argue that BOTW already accomplished this goal, but even that title had specific limitations that are broken down by the new masterhand abilities. Each one fundamentally challenges your imagination and makes the world your own personal adventure.

All of this on top of the significantly richer narrative and lore that this version of Hyrule has lovingly crafted. Finding the Master Sword is a moment I will not soon forget given its plot significance, and this Ganondorf stands out as the most menacing and determined version of the character. This is just as much his story and he steals most scenes with his confidence and power.

I will admit completely that if BOTW wasn't your jam, I don't think this title will win you over. Much of what is here is building off that foundation set by those survival elements. Weapon durability, resource management and shrines galore. If those were deal breakers for you before they will be here as well.

But even when considering that I find myself in the same place I was when I was playing/reviewing the recent Resident Evil 4 Remake. I believe objectively, this is not only one of the greatest open worlds but one of the most intelligently designed games. Is it my favorite Legend of Zelda title? No, but I will 100% say with full confidence that I believe this is one of the greatest games ever made.

Goofy fun platformer that made me cry twice!

Plague Knight is a charming and unique character, with a wonderful story that compliments the original game. It's just a shame that he doesn't have any unique levels to showcase that. This potion unfortunately is only half brewed.

I hope the people I met while climbing the mountain are doing okay. Do you think they are eating enough?

When they ask me "who hurt you?" I point them to this game.

I am still salty that this was sold as a separate game and wasn't just the opening mission to Phantom Pain.

A free, creative and nostalgic love letter to PlayStation's history. This is more than just a tech demo this is a worthy 3D platformer. It took over 20 years but I think PlayStation finally has the perfect mascot.

We deserve a noclip documentary on the development of this game. I want behind the scenes interviews, story boards and stories from the developer's families.

Unfortunately no, there isn't a romance mechanic.

Crispy critters this game is a fucking mess. There are aspects of this game that I love but everything comes with a "but" at the end.

I love the facility and its testing chambers, but the open world design of it is garbage and uninteresting. I love the gunplay and abilities, but earning them is a chore due to poor resource management. The themes are compelling but the main character and plot are poorly written.

Honestly this is such a bummer because this was my most anticipated game of 2023. Did I hate it no, but I wouldn't recommend it.

The year is 2023. I walked into a Walmart and found a copy of the PS4 version of Cyberpunk 2077 for $10 with a free PS5 upgrade. I proceeded to buy, play and enjoy this game.

I don't know how well this game holds up after multiple playthroughs but aside from some bad driving mechanics and a lot of info dumping I enjoyed my Nomad adventure into Night City. It also fulfilled my life's dream of hanging out with Keanu.

This is a weird game, with a weird history and I think people are completely valid for either not liking it, or feeling just burned after its garbage release. However after many updates and quality of life fixes I can safely say Night City is at least worth a visit.

If someone asks you to play this with you, just run.

During my Resident Evil Playthroughs I sneak this one in.

This is going to feel like a hyperbolic opinion, but this is my least favorite game of all time. Just a lot of wasted protentional and I dreaded my experience playing it. It isn't completely devoid of quality and certainly is NOT the worst game ever made. Realistically you should play it as a lot of people seem to enjoy it.

I don't write long form reviews on this site. From me you get more just short snippets so that is honestly as far as I go with this one. I hear the sequel is outstanding and a huge improvement, but my experience with this game makes me hesitant to play it.

This game is so inoffensive that it feels wrong to criticize it.