Despite the losses, the unrelenting force of the spire continues to call.....and it is a call I will always answer.

I am still salty that this was sold as a separate game and wasn't just the opening mission to Phantom Pain.

This is going to feel like a hyperbolic opinion, but this is my least favorite game of all time. Just a lot of wasted protentional and I dreaded my experience playing it. It isn't completely devoid of quality and certainly is NOT the worst game ever made. Realistically you should play it as a lot of people seem to enjoy it.

I don't write long form reviews on this site. From me you get more just short snippets so that is honestly as far as I go with this one. I hear the sequel is outstanding and a huge improvement, but my experience with this game makes me hesitant to play it.

Unfortunately no, there isn't a romance mechanic.

I hope the people I met while climbing the mountain are doing okay. Do you think they are eating enough?

A spooky fun one off. A worthy addition to your Halloween games list.

The year is 2023. I walked into a Walmart and found a copy of the PS4 version of Cyberpunk 2077 for $10 with a free PS5 upgrade. I proceeded to buy, play and enjoy this game.

I don't know how well this game holds up after multiple playthroughs but aside from some bad driving mechanics and a lot of info dumping I enjoyed my Nomad adventure into Night City. It also fulfilled my life's dream of hanging out with Keanu.

This is a weird game, with a weird history and I think people are completely valid for either not liking it, or feeling just burned after its garbage release. However after many updates and quality of life fixes I can safely say Night City is at least worth a visit.

We deserve a noclip documentary on the development of this game. I want behind the scenes interviews, story boards and stories from the developer's families.

I wish Naughty Dog would have continued this trend of making absolute amazing racing titles out of their games. An Uncharted racer would be so unhinged and I want it.

The Scooby-Doo fan service is what got me through this one. It was about what I was expecting.

Don't let the dated gameplay fool you. Truly excellent experience as not only a solid war drama but a war crime simulator. Still feel depressed thinking about this one. If you like feeling sad....yeah go play it.

Boring, bland and stale. It's weird how later games in the series have tried to make Aiden seem like the most badass character. You won't miss much skipping this one.

Crispy critters this game is a fucking mess. There are aspects of this game that I love but everything comes with a "but" at the end.

I love the facility and its testing chambers, but the open world design of it is garbage and uninteresting. I love the gunplay and abilities, but earning them is a chore due to poor resource management. The themes are compelling but the main character and plot are poorly written.

Honestly this is such a bummer because this was my most anticipated game of 2023. Did I hate it no, but I wouldn't recommend it.

If someone asks you to play this with you, just run.

This game is so inoffensive that it feels wrong to criticize it.