Made my daughter Platinum this as a punishment.

The amount of garbage this glorified tech demo unleashed on the gaming world is unparalleled. Can't deny the fun I had with Bowling and Golf tho.

Dug the art style and general vibes. Not without its "Huh?" puzzle moments, but worthy of a quick playthru.

One of a number of PS2 era franchises (God of War also comes to mind) that have returned with the gamemakers carrying the scars and lessons of growing older. Psychonauts returns with a wiser, more generous worldview with some of the best platforming level design I could have asked for. While a lot of praise gets heaped on games like Super Mario Galaxy, the levels themselves tend to be arbitrarily (though ingeniously) designed. Here Schafer and Co's levels are just as fun and inventive, but they also play their own part in the game's overall themes as well. Don't let the aesthetics fool you. This is a mature story dealing with some tough subject matter. A tremendous achievement.


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A cozy puzzler with a fun aesthetic and tasks peculiar enough to be amusing without being obtuse (looking at you Deponia). The game would have likely benefited from a mechanic that progressively brought color back to the world, but as it stands it saved that exclusively for the "final" task. And it didn't have the powerful effect that it intended to.

More appropriately awkward goodness from Artifex Mundi.

Best line from the game: "Butterfingers!"

I play a lot of the Point-and-Click games of this era and earlier with a guide, because their puzzles tend to be weird and obtuse. I'm able to appreciate them without smashing my head against the wall. Platinumbed.

Still bitter that an obstacle course kept me from the Platinum, but I can't deny how fun the game was.

The best game this creator has managed to release that still brings all of his (creative and personal) baggage and quirks along with it.

This and Rock Band are the two games that I quit after I watched an absolute master play for ten minutes.

Best 3-D Mario from a gameplay perspective, but barely held my interest by the end. Marked the beginning of my drift away from Nintendo.

Resounding proof of our minds’ abilities to embellish fond memories. A lot of the color and depth I remember from this game did not actually exist and had been filled in thru 20 years of pop culture ubiquity. Everything after the destruction of Sector 7 is a slog, and the characters are cool to look at, but ultimately shallow. Even harder to play after the superior remake.

A genre of game I rarely connect with. Foraging and building and open exploring. Appreciate it for what it is, but not my cup o' tea.

I still have a sweet spot for the Ubi open-worlds. Still find it hilarious how much the protagonists in Far Cry appear to be the worst kind of White Boy the world has to offer.

I've never seen another game explain its mechanics and systems so poorly. Tapped out really quick.