Pretty good old school dungeon crawler. I really enjoyed the setting and the old school art style, a lot of the visuals looked like they were taken straight from morrowind and it looked great. Sound design was also solid, my biggest issue with the game comes from a lack of a map, honestly. My reaction to being lost in a game is initial wonder, then quickly frustration. A little bit of being lost is fine, but i found myself frustrated more often then I would have liked. A lot of ambiguous puzzle design that I'm not a huge fan of that makes it unlikely i'll do any of the extra side stuff or the other ending. Overall though, I did enjoy it, a pretty good dungeon crawler.

Incredibly rich and detailed story and world, fantastic characters, great detailed levels with combat and exploration thats good enough that I didn't care that it wasn't incredibly great. Probably the best survival horror game outside of Silent Hill 2. I went to bed last night only able to think about this game, I woke up this morning thinking about this game. So many memorable moments. Remedy has become one of my favorite developers today. If you love horror games at all this is a must play.

Very good sequel, great spider man game. I didn't quite enjoy it as much as the original, I had a few more issues with the story(the story is still a good spider man story, though). I appreciate having an open world game that doesn't take an eternity to 100%, the first game was similar, but this is even shorter. The villians were great, the combat was improved and the boss fights were really good. I played on spectacular, and it was mostly reasonable. I had a hard time with the dodge attacks some enemies and bosses did, since the enemies track you so well and its hard to dodge if your character is doing anything else. There was also one mission that has an absurd gold metal that took me like 2 hours to get.

I'm kinda rambling but I really enjoyed this sequel, Miles and Peter both have plenty to do and add to the story, the MJ sequences are improved though still not great, and the story, even with my issues with it, is still a good spider-man story

A very good horror parody game with great microgames, waiting for the last episode to release to get back to it season 1 was fantastic. As far as i know all the season updates are free

I only played through this for the first time a little over a year ago, and its honestly still pretty great. I mean parts of it haven't aged well like the Wikipedia ass dialogue and a lot of the sound design, but the combat honestly works perfectly fine for what its suppose to be, even if its not super difficult or well balanced. Main quest is by far the best they've done and a lot of the side content is really good as well. The Tribunal expansion was great as well(didn't get to bloodmoon).

An incredibly deep RPG with wonderful interactive turn based combat, a story with relevant choices and only occasionally feels poorly paced. The characters are so well written and the combat so fun the pacing flaws don't downgrade it at all to me.

Its a fine enough puzzle game, it does blatantly rip portal in more ways than one, but its still alright. Purely puzzle centric games just aren't my thing, sometimes its good to go outside what you normally like to see if your taste has changed at all. Worth checking out if you love puzzle games and are okay with it not being totally original.

Way better than it had any right to be being a free game included with the PS5. Based on this i'd love a fully fleshed out Astro 3D platformer.

Not much to 'play' here, but regardless I really loved the story. I'd recommend just playing it if you enjoy a good story and can get over minimal gameplay, its worth experiencing blind.

Found the true ending to be a waste of time but the game itself was still great, cool bosses and fun combat and level design.

Never played the original, but this version was fantastic. Incredible visuals, great levels and some mostly fun bosses. Not my favorite souls game but certainly a great one.

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The original was an incredible experience that left quite the impression on me, this expansion/rerelease adds plenty more to see, more meta narrative jokes and more game commentary. If you've never played the original, just get this one and enjoy.

I never finished it for whatever reason but it was a great 3D platformer from what I remember, I need to go back to it one day

Fluid, fantastic platforming and level design with some of the best art direction and music the genre can offer. A must play

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It didn't hit as hard as maybe it would have since I didn't play the first game, just 2 and 3, but it was a great survival horror game with an interesting story and fantastic visual effects. It wasn't as good as 2, but its still great in its own right.