I remember the last mission for this game was so difficult my bitch ass couldn’t complete it 😭 .

This game consumed my life from 2018 to 2020, yet nowadays it takes like two bad games for me to hop off.

The first time I played this game my friend brutally beat me to death to try and make more profit.

This game was a brilliant substitute for anyone who wasn't aloud call of duty.

When this game came out for free I played it for a couple days straight but after that period I haven't really touched this game.

Every time a ghost spawns I start shitting bricks.

Every time I start a new farm I loose like a hundred hours of my life to this game.

Despite being so popular a few years back I only played this game a few months ago, and I have to say I think I missed out on the hype :( .

It was an easy game to 100% that's about all I can remember.

Every time I went of the game I felt a sense of guilt for leaving Niko in darkness :(

Genuine question, can you really dislike this game?

The peak of 3D Mario 2.

I enjoy overwatch on occasions however, after a while this game drives me up the walls.