The main story for this is amazing probably top 3 in the series tbh, I was super into it through the whole thing and the characters in this are really complex and understandable in their actions especially so for the villain cast, however outside of that there a few things that hold it down especially when it comes to the side cases which are locked behind smaller ones called "friendships" and how many you've unlocked, this is honestly just a hassle at the start of the game to unlock all these friendships which mostly aren't too interesting but then there are some which are just super annoying like the Ebisu pawn, QR code and unsurprisingly, the mahjong one (don't worry you can get it more easily by using an item that costs the same amount of Skill Points as the final health upgrade!), the actual side cases are really good tho however while I do get what they were going for, side cases should completely be separate from the friendship. The minigames in this aren't that great either tbh along with a massive lack of a money making feature even tho there's an investment app. The upgrade system is probably one of the better ones, it's a lot better than soul orbs or 6 and K2's however near the end of the game you start to lack a lot of places to earn the upgrade points. Speaking of, once you get a few of the skills the combat starts to become really good with a lot of moves you can pull of such as jumping off walls, jumping over enemies or jumping off of cars to hit enemies. Overall, amazing game and story that's brought down by poorly handled side content.

Pretty fun story and characters were fun too, the combat was kinda mid and I didn't really lie any styles apart from wild dancer which is a peak Yakuza style. Wish more time was given to Mine and Saejima's counterparts tbh, although, Majima's counterpart, Okita, was great in the moments he was in (very reminiscent of Majima in mainline games), the side content was kinda boring too tbh, substories were pretty uninteresting if I'm being honest. Ending was pretty weird until the post credit scenes as well, at least the fight at the end was cold af. Overall, If u just do the main story and some side content you'll enjoy it.

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This is genuinely the perfect Yakuza experience, it improves upon almost everything from like a dragon, the combat feels so much more interactive and immersive thanks to adding the ability to move freely, I also think it was a great idea to restrict how many moves you can carry over from other jobs as in LAD I felt too overpowered and the combat got post game/ng+ but it also allows for experimentation that wasn't in LAD since u can choose any 5 skills from different jobs to carry over meaning u can have actual builds now instead of spamming Megaton Throw on every character, this is probably the best implemented turn based combat in any game, it's easy to understand, immersive and active and it's all complimented by the animations' creativity, there's also so much content in this game with 4 whole maps and so many returning and new minigames such as a detailed Animal Crossing minigame, a pokemon minigame which ties into the AC minigame and into the actual combat with a whole job dedicated to it and taking pictures of pervs while riding a trolly. The story is one of the better Yakuza stories imo, the start is one of the best intros in gaming and instantly gets you hooked, the middle section is also a lot better than LAD's which was very forgettable, this game manages to keep you interested all the way through this time, the second half of the mid section of the game also begins some of the most emotional moments in the series for Kiryu as he's faced with death, I love how the Kiryu's side quests (Date's especially) add onto Kiryu's character and help you understand his current mindset, the Hawaii side quests are also equally as good, to be honest these are probably the best list of side quests in the series, there's not as many but they hit as hard if not harder than most of the best side quests from previous games and gets rid of all the filler side quests. I couldn't of asked for better new party members either. The new Hawaii party has really good chemistry with each other and manages to avoid feeling like a copy of LAD's initial party, Tomi and Chitose are both well written, fleshed out characters too, this could be also said for seonhee who's finally a party member (I've waited 4 years for her to join), this is thanks to the walk n talk feature which gives small details about each party members' personality and how they interact with the other members, making them feel like a real group of friends and people, I think the party split between Japan and Hawaii also worked very well and made dynamics you'd think be weird but actually work really well, the final third of the game is PEAK especially the finale I dont really get why people don’t like it as I thought it was obvious Kiryu wouldn’t die tbh and Kiryu’s journey in finding his will to live again was so good especially in those final scenes after the Ebina boss fight, speaking of, Ebina was a great villain probably one of the best in series although it takes until the finale for him to really come through, Bryce mid tho, the Tojo boys inclusion was also so good and I love how it mirrored Daigo and Kiryu’s dynamic from 4 as now it’s Kiryu trying to get Daigo to step and take responsibility for not doing enough to help the ex-yakuza, the scene and fight with the Tojo boys in the finale is also peak Yakuza and had me creaming my pants, I really liked Ichican and Eiji in the finale as it shows Ichiban’s growth by having him properly save the Ryo Aoki counterpart this time around, I think Chitose and Tomi’s arcs wrap up pretty well too although it does feel like they’re one game characters. Overall, this game is peak and easily the best Yakuza and I'm saying all this while feeling burnt out from the series after playing almost every game beforehand, also i would've said more but i'm glazing too hard already. JUST REMEMBERED, YAMAI IS GOATED, BRO IS SO SLICK AND COLD STYLL, PLEAAAASE BRING HIM BACK

I genuinely did not think this games ending would make me cry more than I did at 7's, they concluded this part of Kiryu's story so well and that second to last scene before the credits hits so hard. The action sequences in the finale are genuinely some of the most hype in the series. Gameplay was good too, combat was weird at the start but then became weirdly easy but still enjoyable, a lot of callbacks to old games that don't feel forced. The Agent style was implemented really well and each gadget, apart from hornet, were fun to use. Story flow is great for it's short length too. Not too much to complain about other than being a tad too easy and bosses being too reliant on super and hyper armour.

Live chat minigame might be peak

Really enjoyed this one, Combat is refreshing when marathoning the games except for crowd fights they suck ass, story was great and the ending was so good and one of the most emotional in the series, character dynamics were great and I like how they added on to Daigo and Kiryu's relationship in a plausible way in the ending, loved the Onomichi sidecast and I think they meshed well with Kiryu, Yuta was a bit of a bum sometimes but with what happened to him it was understandable, minigames were great. Overall, one of the best Yakuza experiences i've had.

There's a lot to love and some things hate about this game, the story has really good highs but a few low lows, Kiryu, HaruAki and Shinada's parts are genuinely great but saejima and 3/4 of the finale are quite boring, the last chapter of the finale is genuinely so worth it tho, Saejima's and Kiryu's fights at the end are so cold styll. The ending is also so great, it's definitely one of the best in series so far. Overall, just felt like not enough crack was taken for this story tbh. There is a lot to do in this game with especially with sidestories which are really fun (apart from saejima's)and the substories really improved in this one too, the encounter system is at it's worst in this game though, it's genuinely atrocious, there was a point I couldn't go 10 steps without an encounter because the area was so confined.

Fun so far gon play it more till I score it

Story was a bit silly at times but I don't mind that much since it's Yakuza and the pay off was great, probably top 3 finales in the series so far. Saejima is so cold but he got done dirty with that one scene and some of his bosses (saito and his amon), Akiyama I feel needed a bit more time with Yasuko but I still really liked his character, Tanimura was overall good too and I really liked his involvement. It was a bit annoying to regain all the abilities as each character but I didn't mind too much as it didn't take long to get them back

Simple but very easy to get into story, start is kinda slow but it picks up quite fast after and the emotional scenes hit, gameplay was serviceable but fun too

Majima's storyline was an actual masterpiece, it's so bitter sweet but in a way I couldn't be happier with, side content is great too with a lot of shit to do and I really liked how they built on Kiryu and Nishiki's dynamic

Forgor to log this but I remember when I was like 15 I couldn't handle Chie's english VA for the life of me so I decided to just eventually play Golden instead, still got like 30-40% through the game

Me when the story uses symbolism and references to side stories for you to properly interpret the ending instead of just telling me >:(((((((((

Story was great tho and the ending which I would prefer is more hinted at so I don't mind too much, also kinda funny how the platinum backs it too

Time to grind out new game+