Demos I've Played (+ Thoughts)

(and also betas and alphas)

Thoughts are written at the time of playing demo.

definitely curious to play more of this (on easy difficulty lol)
seems like a very cute game, first one is definitely on the wishlist now
what a bopping soundtrack, plan to get this eventually but the gameplay of the first one (wanna play in order) is a little offputting
A lot of enemies lol but i eventually bought it so i guess it worked?
good demo, wanna play eventually as was fan of the first one and Inside
Actually a really neat demo, definitely plan on getting this (eventually)
yeah no thanks
still dont know if i wanna buy one of these or not
this demo was very fun to play on the wait for release
a pretty cute game, would like to get if it ever goes on sale
not quite what expected but was cute, wanna get
I played the cloud version on switch, my internet is fine but the game just looks... oof incredibly mediocore and I have no plans on ever buying it
awesome first impressions!
another Annapurna W in the works, we will be buying
seems like a really personal and lovingly made game, but not in the mood for these types of slow boring indie games anymore
i like when media has the characters ant sized but the demo was kinda mid
Not sure how i feel about this yet but its gotten me curious
Awesome demo, convinced me to buy it
Not sure how I feel about the gameplay yet but this game is really beautiful and quite charming, definitely on the wishlist
It seems fun but theres no way there could possibly be enough content to justify the price of it
i love the vibe but i dont like point and clicks + the dialogue was very bad
seems fun but no story mode and me having not seen past the first season of the show makes this not something i plan on getting to
I'm not sure how i felt about this demo.. but I think i'd like to try the full game if its ever on a really good sale
seems interesting but am in no rush
I'd wanna get this if it wasn't so overpriced
It looks cute but as long as its above 20 dollars I will never buy this
Seems... fine? I like pokemon so i guess ill get it but am in no rush whatsoever
as a casual fighting game fan the persona characters were enough to get me in on it as well as try BlazBlue, UnderNight and watch rwby
the character customization was all i needed to convince me
A little hard to tell whats going on but this was really fun and if I like the anime whenever i get around to it, i'll definitely buy this
its fun but i can see it getting frustrating quickly. easy pass unless a big sale
id really just rather play stardew or AC thanks
Really good first impressions. Fun combat
cute girl protag that swears? im in
Played the alpha.. and the free multiplayer weekend! absolutely dreadful
god this game sucks lmao

1 Comment

1 year ago

Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy were such unexpected W's 😌

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