Nancyfly Playstation Showcase Thoughts - 5/24/23

i really enjoyed a lot of the reveals for this one. Phantom Blade 0 has gripped me by the tits just like Judas did at the game awards. Butttttt that being said as a playstation showcase this was really mid. The best reveals were third party but really lacking on first party/sony published stuff. No TLOU factions, Stellar Blade, or a bunch of other shit is really oof. And almost all the things they did show being cgi trailers of live service games is fucking ouch.

Not to mention like, maybe 3 release dates total in this bitch? what a mess. ill have sex with at least 5 of these games tho

this will be terrible, ballsy to open with this game that nobody wants lmao
looks interesting, love how they showed this confusing ass name for like half a second on screen
Giant Squid game looks beautiful, obviously
why even bother. we know absolutely nothing about the game
looks great. need to beat night in the woods still though
could not care less honestly. looks cool though
didn't like Gris but this looks gorgeous, will definitely play
fuck yeah dude
amazing, i have to play the others now
same as re4vr
same as re4vr
I don't know how to feel about this, haven't really played MGS. fun trailer though
art style is good but there is no way i will ever play this
lol, lmao even.
Im gonna be the only person who likes this but idc
very nice! glad i bought all these on ps3 and havent played yet! good use of money. Very curious what Volume 2 will be
looks cool but idk if id like it
did not expect this at all but very on board
almost forgot to add this. very happy its coming to ps5. destroying shit is my jam
looks very basic but hell ill play it, sure
looks really long as I dont need to play the first game first
looks fun but im not really interested in MP
looks amazing, need to play it
i already pre ordered so this did nothing for me except show me not to cancel
we've seen enough of this bitch!!! stop it!!
looks fucking fantastic but I didn't need 10 minutes on this, I was already sold from just the title
all these vr games shown looks great and i wanna play them but not for 600 dollars
no persona news because why would there ever be! everything sucks and god is dead!


1 year ago

I love that Persona 5 Royal is on this list but FNAF and Granblue are not

1 year ago

@Assenemy I completely forgot those were there lmao
I'm really excited for Spider-Man 2, Phantom Blade 0 , Dragons Dogma 2 (Haven't played the first one though), Alan Wake, MGS stuff, Towers of Aghasba. Interessted in the VR games but as you said not for 600 €.

Foamstars looked so hilarously bad and same goes for Fairgames(Payday clone).
Not the biggest fan of the fact that Sony wants to use 60% of their budget to develop service games. Would rather get more singleplayer & narrative driven games than this multiplayer crap like Fairgames etc.

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