Zenith of the medium

A cultural reset

Very outdated but it was cool.

This game is amazing. An improvement from the first in every way. A great mystery that feels super "Uchikoshi" If you like his games then you have to play this one.

This is a review of the campaign. It's fun cause its Splatoon but it's held back by bland level design. Designing every level to be able to be beaten with every weapon just makes everything super bland.

This is genuinely one of my favorite campaigns of all time. Such fun level design along with a really cool aesthetic and story. The secret boss is also one of the most satisfying things I've ever beaten.

Review of Campaign: Pretty good. Does a lot of what octo expansion does right but has some things that hold it back. The overworld isn't super exciting and some levels that use the hero shot are a little bland. Still a great time, with mostly fun levels and good vibes

ANOTHER Amazing platformer from Galaxy Trail. The first game is an amazing platformer and this game just does everything better. If you're a fan of fast 2d platformers, treat yourself and play this game

This game is carried by the boss fights (and exploring was fun sometimes)

This game is so good. Combat is a lot of fun and the story is great. This game made me fall in love with the world of final fantasy vii

This DLC is really cool. A bit short but its fun

Didn't care for the combat much but I'm still giving this game 5 stars. Genuinely such an amazing game. I understand why its considered one of the best of our generation

BROOOO I love this game so much. Has some of my favorite characters of all time. Not only that, but the game is a lot of fun, and the entire ending sequence is one of my favorites of all time. Post-game for this game is awesome too.