Its the super polished, fan service filled Victory Lap finale to the Souls series. Its a good step up from DS2, while suffering from diminishing returns. I feel myself loving its art style while getting annyoid by its super linear gameworld. I adore some of the boss fights like the Abyss Watchers, only to return to a world to offers me nothing I havent seen done better by this very series. At the very atleast this feeling is kinda fitting for a world that presents itself a rotting corpse screaming that it wants to end.

The low point of the series and for some reason on the best received games ever. Bad gameplay wrapped up in a Story that couldnt make less sense if it was written by an AI.

I went through 3 distinct reactions while playing Shattered Dimensions. The first 3 levels I thought it were pretty neat, honestly cool Ideas and presentation. Next I reached the mid point where the clunk really showed and I got seriously annoyd at the awful gameplay. And then luckily they managed to wrap it up pretty satisfingly in the last 2 levels. Overall it was fun, but I only recommend it to hardcore Spidey fans and if you want to know where the current Spiderverse craze has it origins from.

A step up from Shatterd Dimensions. Edge of Time has a real decent plot and making it a character action game where you switch between Peter Parker and Miguel O'hara on two different time lines that influence eachother, is still something we havent seen again. Yes, the labs and metal corridors can get repetative but the game is short enough that youll reach the credits before it gets too much

Seoul and Bathhouse fucking suck, but the rest is pure perfection. Sam Fisher is on peak and the soundtrack by Amon Tobin is one the greatest OSTs that has ever graced my ears.

I dont really know what this game is about or what the story is but I know that I really like this. The movement is so much fun and Im almost sure this was made for Metroidvania fans that are really into sequence breaking. The music also gives me very strong JRPG vibes, in particular .hack. That said: Would it kill you to add a fucking map, even just as an option.

A step above the original in almost every aspect. A damm shame Ubisoft keeps this one locked away in a vault for some reason. Sail the high Seas for this one.

I attempted to play this about 4 times. I guess this is a good game if you like looking through a yellow piss filter and enjoy first person gameplay that feels like moving a forklift through downtown LA. Adam Jensen has about as much personality as a forklift aswell.

Obsidian did the impossible and turned out one the best rpgs of all time in less than a year. Unlike Bethesdas retcon butchery, that goes on till this day, New Vegas respects its source in both narative and gameplay intention. Yes, it takes a bit of work to get this running on PC, cause its about as polished as a white BMW in a muddy landslide but its more than worth it

The beginning of something very special. Banger Atmosphere, awseome Story and fantastic Gameplay that influences other video games to this day. Only 4 stars cause the boss fights kinda suck and there are way to many big muscle mutant fights that all play the exact same.

Always great when you find one of your childhood games still holds up. The music slaps, the level design is awseome and best of all: its doesnt cost a cent. Legit one of the best Metroidvanias you can get for free. Highly recommend it.

Im not a Sega guy but this is incredibly. Maybe the best classic Castlevania out there. At the very least its a close tie with Rondo of Blood.

Miles Morales is all in all a game split right down the middle between improvement and glorified DLC. General gameplay is better across the board but there was no attempt at making the boring as fuck side missions any better. Same old shit, different suit.
I like the conflict between Miles and Phin. I bought their emotional connection and in the end I see Miles as having earned his place as Spider-Man. At the same time: Phin gets to die a heros death after endangering innocent lives with her gang of thugs and almost nuking the entirety of Harlem out of pur spite and arrogance. No fuck off, frankly I dont care if the pilot that dropped little boy over Hiroshima had trauma, you dont get to ride of into the sunset. Phin is not a tragic hero, she is a piece of shit.
Do I recommend Miles Morales in the end ? Yes, if you liked Spiderman PS4, then you will generaly have a fun time. Its a short and sweet Campaing with a great soundtrack at the very least. Definitly get it on a sale if you can.

Played it for the first time last year on a spontanouis binge of the OG games. I get now why this left such a huge mark. Its one of the best designt Survival Horror Games to this day. Add the A and B scenarios, that can even be switched around and you got one of the most fun, replaybale titles of the PS1 generation.

I dont know how they managed to make traversing a Castlevania game so bad. The level design is so shit and the progression is so mind numbing. I might finish this someday, but I wanted to get into GBA Castlevania and this just isnt good. Moving on to Harmony of Disonance in hopes that its a much better title.