For the record: I have finishd this game in the past and I like its flawed, but unique approach to Adventure games. What this review is, is the acknowledgement that the 2015 Remaster, wich is the only official version available, is a broken mess right now. Do not buy this Remaster.

I ran into countless game breaking bugs, sound issues and other glitches. For many of wich I could find posts online of people having the exact same issues, with no solutions or fixes for them. Im pretty such it didnt used to be this way back in 2015 and I cannot speak for the console versions, but some Windows or Driver Update must have introduced these issues on PC.

I hope we will someday get a Patch, be it official or fan made, that fixes the game. Grim Fandango is absolutly deserving of beeing preserved as an important title in gaming history and I would hate if technical issues make it slip through the cracks of time once again, beeing dismissed by future generations because of a broken version sold on digital stores.

Its almost a perfect first attempt at a Video Game. And contrary to popular believe: This isnt a quick save nightmare and if you actually play well using the bullet time to slow down and speedup the action, then you can blast through even the highest difficulty. Besides that the game has fantastic voice acting, a fun story and a killer atmosphere that still holds up.

Im not sure where all the storys about its difficulty come from, I think this is by far one of the most fair NES games out there. There is a huge difficulty spike in the second to last level but overall its a good as 8-Bit Platformers get with incredible music.

Its THE game of the 2010s that launched a thousand copyie cats. Fully desserves the status as a classic and maybe the best modern action rpg.

Even playing the worst version of this game was still a blast. Web of Shadows is the Eurojank Mutation of what my ideal Spider-Man game would be. Its super ambitious, its large, it innovates in spots noone thought to do so and yet it barely manages to hit any of its lofty goals. I love this game mainly for its combat, movement and moral choices. Web of Shadows actually gives you the option to be a real piece of work, the true Villain of the story while looking so damm cool. There is a real thick layer of dust on the graphics and Voice acting, but I have grown so fond of them, in a really autistic way.

It's no wonder there was a decade long wait for the Sequel to this game. Duke 3D basically steps it up in every way. The Gun play is amazing and the different items you get on top of that make it almost a proto immersive sim. Running through levels that set the goal to feel like real spaces, Duke 3D really achieves an immersive quality of making you feel like an action hero fighting through a dangerous scenario. I'm more pleased with some levels than others.

The game sadly doesn't reach the peaks of LA Meltdown and Lunar Apocalypse in its final level pack of Shrapnel City. That is par for the course for Build Engine Games, but hiding almost one hit enemies behind doors where there's no good way to back out of the fight gets tedious really fast. Other than that, Duke Nukem 3D is a legendary title for a reason. Blow it out your ass!

This is a though one to judge. I really like the vibe and concept but its gameplay is nothing more than a glorified visual novel. There really is nothing to the card game or the AI for that matter. I suppose its ok for a 10 Dollar game but I fell like been cheated out of an actual ending. The characters are interesting and it feelt like it was building to some kind of conclusin but then it just ends. Like no resolution, nothing. There is a post credit endless mode with additional story bits. The Problem is that the main showcase are the characters and with nowhere for them go in a game where there are no deeper gameplay systems there really isnt any reason to keep playing. I recommend Sunshine Shuffle if you see it on sale and have an afternoon to kill but really temper your expectation, beacuse theres not much here.

Another in the list of games I wanted to give another shot. Given how much fun I just had replaying Dead Rising 2 recently, doing 3 complete runs and and getting the S Rank Ending.
I came away hating this game even more then when I got bitterly dissapointed by it back in 2013. From its mechanics to its tone, aesthetics and characters: Dead Rising 3 is the posterchild of a large multimillion dollar Publisher not understanding or caring why something is popular and steamrolling its appeal flat for maxium mass market chare. We need an Xbox exclusive, Zombies are popular, make populare Zombie Game.

Quite interesting in heinseit how they arguably ripped off the entire look of the then relativly new TV smash hit that was The Walking Dead. Maybe if this wasnt labbeld Dead Rising and comitted to its more serious tone than their could have been something here but everytime this game actually gets to be true to its name sake the tone clashes so awkwardly. Nick Ramos and his crew dont fit at all into this franchise. I get how they wanted more grounded and plucky characters to root for in this wacky, nonsensical series but that doesnt work if the game constanly winks and smiles at the audience. We know Dead Rising is stupid. A series about a snarky reporter beating zombies with gumball maschines and parkbenches. A stonedfaced Father who can weare Baby Pjs and tape chainsaws to rowing paddles.
The Comedy comes from rarely, if ever, pointing at the absurdity. This is life or death for these characters, while we the audience get some credit for knowing thats its absurd without it beeing explained. Ironicly its the reason why people got so invested in the series to begin with.

On the gameplay front the game doesnt fair much better. From the very begining Capcom Vancouver make it clear that they think the main appeal of the series is killing zombies in wacky ways. There is no escorting survivors anymore. Baffling since there is so much focus on Veycles. The Timer is completely irrelevant now, killing all decision making and navigation that was the main fun of the previous Games. All that there is left is killing zombies, wich is further trivilisd by beeing able to craft combo weapon on the fly. Capcom Vancouver in fact hit all the notes in order to make it not fun. In the end I did get about half way through the story before beeing completely misserable and desinstalling it to make space for any other game in the known universe.

Absolutly solid proof of concept. Its a free 30 minute game with an awseome artstyle and cool mechanics. The skateboard feels great and I love the idea of doing combos while kick flipping through a spooky punk rock city. There is still polish that needs to be done on the framerate and overall options but if this would be made into a full game I would definitly give it my money.

(Gloomwood Market District Update)
Gloomwood is shaping up to be one hell of a successor to Thief in all the best ways. A thick Horror atmosphere with lots of sneaking and a dose of really solid item management is the name of the game as you move closer to the mysterious City that we still know nothing about. If I have to give any criticism, It's that I still dont like the ugly guard vision cons and I wish guard behavior would be shown through more animations like in Thief. I still think the mines are the weakest part so far, with easily exploited enemies. Asides from those complaints, I love Gloomwood and the new Market district is already spectacular, with some of the best moments I experienced in a stealth game. I already fully recommend you check out the early access, but beware that once Gloomwood gets its hooks into you, you'll get why the wait for this gem continues to be so agonizing.


Sigil sure is a John Romero Level Pack for the original Doom. I wouldnt say its total shit, but Sigil does combine Romeros best and worst Level design traits into one.The levels are far from generic, always trying to have interesting challenges.

The key word here is trying: Someone should have slaped Romero across the face 20 years ago when he was working at Id and was spamming the Monster spawns. There are only so many cheap deaths I can take because of traps I couldnt possibly forsee or Hell Knights sniping me from across the map. The best thing about Sigil is the soundtrack by James Paddock, probably the best in classic Doom right next to Doom 64.

The low point of the series and for some reason on the best received games ever. Bad gameplay wrapped up in a Story that couldnt make less sense if it was written by an AI.

Miles Morales is all in all a game split right down the middle between improvement and glorified DLC. General gameplay is better across the board but there was no attempt at making the boring as fuck side missions any better. Same old shit, different suit.
I like the conflict between Miles and Phin. I bought their emotional connection and in the end I see Miles as having earned his place as Spider-Man. At the same time: Phin gets to die a heros death after endangering innocent lives with her gang of thugs and almost nuking the entirety of Harlem out of pur spite and arrogance. No fuck off, frankly I dont care if the pilot that dropped little boy over Hiroshima had trauma, you dont get to ride of into the sunset. Phin is not a tragic hero, she is a piece of shit.
Do I recommend Miles Morales in the end ? Yes, if you liked Spiderman PS4, then you will generaly have a fun time. Its a short and sweet Campaing with a great soundtrack at the very least. Definitly get it on a sale if you can.

Such a damm fancy game. Never has controlling a stickman with fancy pants fellt better and the newgrounds nostalgia hit harder. Its really short but also is just 10 Dollars, so there is no excuse for me to not recommend it. I want part 2 right now!

So Sigil 2 is finally here and after about half my playtime I was going to give it credit for beeing a noticable improvement to the first map pack. Then I suffered through the last 3 levels. Nope this is exacly more of the same Romero bullshit. No design lessons were learned. Random Cyberdemons placed at awful points and monster ambushes that will make pull your hair out are here to stay. Atleast the soundtrack is still good and its free.