[Template] About Me: Video Games

Best Story
themes of futility and finality are big favorites of mine...
Best Art Style
the game with a main focus on japanese art deserves this spotlight
Tons of Hours Played
base builder games are like crack to me, and i love the storyteller aspect of rimworld
Favorite Game of all Time
i talk about this game too much
just play it
Favorite Villain
i could overanalyze gabriel's arc like it's an academic paper
Guilty Pleasure
normally an MMO would have taken this spot, but these days i've put those in the backburner in favor of warframe, which is surprisingly very well made
You Love Everyone Hates
i enjoy this the way that harry potter fans enjoy their franchise: by separating the art from the artist
Favorite Ending
i literally cried
the credits music didn't help either
Favorite Protagonist
love her confidence and attitude
Favorite Boss Fight
the furies! i love my girls
Childhood Game
i can't even begin to count how many moments from this game have stuck with me my entire life
Stressful Game
i hate pvp...... especially games where pvp is the main focus i find myself struggling to enjoy them
You Hate Everyone Loves
it really... didn't do anything for me, but hate is a strong word


Have not played but want to
i swear i'll get around to it, eventually...


Favorite Series
might be the influence ss and tp had on my childhood but even the most recent games stay with me for a long time


Game you always come back to
there's really nothing like minecraft


Best Soundtrack
i listened to the OST of both gestalt and automata before even playing the games, and i still do


Relaxing Game
the whole papa's series is such a great 'turn your brain off and relax' candidate


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