244 Reviews liked by Pab_Alert

good for a couple hundred hours

extremely good game, got my first "nuke" in this game. Wii was plagued with cheaters unfortunately but was still charming and fun

was okay. satisfied the "jump high and land hard" itch

sure its great. had to put it down because im used to 270hz gameplay, and I can handle 60hz, even 30hz. but this shit feels like im playing on an Atari.

a bit repetitive and long to get the things you need, and multiplayer doesn't feel as friendly as it does in other games, but still great

its one of those games you need to play without watching any gameplay of, otherwise its gonna be a bit boring.

feels empty in a LOT of places

conflicted whether to rate this 5 stars or half a star. The release of Payday 3 and the atrocities committed to this game after the fact is borderline a war crime and fuck Starbreeze and whoever else is responsible for that

speed levels were great. monster levels (and subsequent story) were so laughably terrible that it belongs in a museum dedicated to dogshit

i tried playing this again as an adult and holy shit what a miserable camera

pokewalker was cool and i regret selling this to some old kooky man

they literally just made the original better

i beat this in like a week so its okay i guess

played this because my sister bought it for me despite my pleas. its a game. i had fun despite my original thoughts on it but still full of those classic Nintendo-esque mechanics that Nintendo execs think are awesome and fun



completed the "base" game in 6 runs, so really short, and rogue-lites aren't really my thing