Top 3 coolest Fromsoft locations

This is almost a game, kind of.

New games are forged in the shadow of this game in the hopes that they can achieve a fraction of its legacy. Complaints about aspects of this game are made with the greatest magnification of hindsight and the finest of tweezers to nitpick. You'd do better to sit up straight and keep your mouth shut in the presence of greatness.

As a kid, this game was big. It was so big! Big enough to drive a car through. And it still is. But is it good? No, but it's still pretty big!

Part of me was brainwashed as a kid into thinking that this was as fun as real games. This wasn't bad, necessarily, but just go play a real game instead.

Excellent at capturing the Mario Party spirit of screaming at your friends for being worthless fuck ups

Mario 64 is salt and this is pepper.

This game is good because it led to me playing Magic

Better than most games that aren't 3D Mario.

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Jerk your wiimote like it's gonna cum diamonds and win that soda mini game. Bad maps and motion gimmick games make this one inferior to GC Mario Party

This is the game that helped me realize as a kid that not all games are equally good.

As one of the best flash games, this game still sucks balls.

This is the game that is the most better than it has any right being.

This one might be the best one, though I haven't played 5 or 7, since I only play even numbered Mario Party games.

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Wish they had a nude Wario costume