Souldiers is one of those games that i can see being a phenomenal game, yet it is held back by a lot of issues. Pixel art is beatiful, soundtrack is fantastic and areas are fun to explore ( even if some of them go for way to long), but it also has a massive balancing problem. I played this game after the patch and played it on normal mode and it was way to easy. I did die couple times but for the most part i didn't have that much of a problem. I can see this game being a fantastic in like a year after many more patches but for now it's fun but also really easy

I've never played a game like this. A game that only tells you controls and nothing else, the rest is for you to discover, a game that isn't afraid to put you in unfair situation. This game is one of the hardest games i've ever played yet I found myself absolutely loving it. You are in this world where everything is against you and you must survive and avoid danger. The game rewards you for experimenting as much as possible, it rewards you for every small success. The AI is probably the best AI I've seen in any games, animals here don't act like enemies but rather as a wild animal would. The art is simply beatiful and gorgeous and immerses you into wanting to discover this dangerous world. The only problem I had with this game was the camera, that is the only flaw i could think of. Rain world is a game that everyone should experience for themselves, definetly one of the best games i've ever played


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This game could've been good if it didn't suck

Aside from lack of teleportation station and many of the bosses being reused either as yet another boss but with more enemies or just becoming regular enemies, FIST is a really good metroidvania with fun combat, great visuals and soundtrack that slaps.

A bit to liniar for a rougelite but it was fun playing and the art direction is fantastic


Great visuals, fantastic music and game manual in this game is brilliant, but good lord the lock on system sucks ass.

This might just be the worst game i have ever played.

God i really wanted to like this game i really wanted, but it is one the most unfair, tedious and just unfun games to play. Whole gimmick of hunting mages was fun at first but it quickly became tedious and boring to do, plus you have to do it to progress in game. Bosses overall were a joke, none of them were memorable or fun to fight, whenever i've beaten a boss all i said was ok that was a boss for sure, lets move. Even the final boss which i won't spoil was dissapointing. Who thought it was a good idea for enemies and bosses to do these attack which knock you back and still can hit you while you are falling leading to your death. The amount of times this happend to me was insane and lead to so many death due to some bullshit attacks. It just sucks because this could have been a really good game it still has some quality, atmosphere, music but the bad stuff overtakes the good stuff. Just sad man

The best game i have ever played. Everything just works here, the combat seems simple but game really elovates it and pushes it to it's limit with many different boss fights, atmosphere is beautiful, soundtrack is phenomenal and the lore is great and interesting. Team cherry created a masterpiece here.

It's great. That's it. That's the review. Now go play it you lazy fuck.

Yep, this is shit. At least it has like 5% cool stuff. To bad that cool stuff is behind 4 hours of boredom and cringe.

Such a nothing game. This game screams marketing scheme. Plus developers made nfts of this game so you can spend more money to learn some lore that will probably be bad. Yay