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The world-building is the best part here. They really capture a sense of scale and strangeness that makes the adventure feel grand. The materia system is nice, frictional game mechanic. Would kill off my primary healer midway through the game

Rolling a Katamari is up there among “aesthetically pleasing things to do in video games” alongside jumping in Mario and shooting in Doom. Impressive how the game maintains humor all the way through. Would have the King of All Cosmos neg me in more games!

Incredible how the world hooks you from minute one and never lets go. Rare game where I read every single lore scrap and listen to every audio log. The action also feels great, especially at 60fps. “Throw” is one of the all-time great power-ups. Would include bizarre children’s shows in more games!

Compares favorably to Return of the Obra Dinn (2018) and Case of the Golden Idol (2022). Visuals look great too. Could have done without the stealth sections. Would play more games that make me say out loud, “oh! That’s a verb!”

Tidy little game. Was spent on the core loop by the fifth island. Wish I had been directed to the old mayor sooner. Would be down for more horror games set at sea!

Replayed as my prep for Pikmin 4. The auto-move is a god send for multitasking in this series. The last boss is a PAIN. Would play more games about getting juice!

Some fun to be had here, but the series needs an RE 7 style overhaul. It is a problem that when I press the “x” button in this game, I have no idea what my character will do. Still, point for being the only game I can think of to be set in the Abbasid Caliphate. Would play any game with throwing knives that dissolve people!

Pretty good action platform. Thought the story was incomprehensible (even compared to Souls games). Cool looking bosses though. Would recommend the Spanish dub!

Works as a co-op experience. The first four chapters feel like a two-player RE 4 (in a good way). Once it turns into a cover-shooter in the later chapters, it starts to fall apart. Would have like it to include more inventory management!

A little on the grindy-side, but a lot of the charm of the later entries is here. Having the Dragonlord’s castle at the center of the map while you explore the periphery is a nice touch that keeps you connected to your main objective. Would love a remake that includes an auto battle option!

Some genuinely clever puzzles here, but it wears out its welcome. Too many solutions are iterative rather than novel. I can only leap frog jammers and laser beams so many times. I also was not particularly enamored with the story. Would still try almost any laser puzzle game!

Pretty addicting card game. Enjoyed the art for the most part. Would play another Gage game!

Tremendous game. Incredibly addictive. Rescued all castaways and collected every treasure. Did not complete the Dandori Safe trials. This game can get tough! Would adopt Oatchi!

Finish the game and the new game plus mode. Played on quality rather than performance, and boy does this game look incredible both technically and artistically. I never got tired of the “overlap” effect or the way the ferns around Cauldron Lake moved. Not quite the RE 2 Remake, but a very good survival horror game. The integration of live action works surprisingly well. The interactive quest log (mind place) is a touch of genius. Would grab a pie and coffee at the Oh Deer! Diner!

This regularly gets knocked as the worst of the mainline series… but I liked it a lot? I like that, while they still aren’t exactly characters, your party members still feel distinct. Having the entire map from the first game take up a small section of this game really drives home the expansion of scale. And the art and music are as compelling as ever. Would spend my life savings on Tombola tickets!