This is a nice game, it's interesting to make new builds to complete the rounds and game starts being a lot more interesting after 6th floor, where you unlock more elements in the game.

Still it's a slot machine game, so it can be annoying sometimes, when you don't have a lot of control over where elements appear on slots (there are some ways, but it's a limited way).


One of better roguelike games on the market.
A lot of dialogues, interactions with characters, you can feel like they are "alive". Story is interesting, simple on the beggining, but starts being more deep later.

Also about gameplay, while RNG is in this game, it's not that big factor as in some other roguelike games. Killing stuff is satifying and you want to try again after death.

Definitely worth trying.

Great game to play with friends, a lot of fun of digging stuff around, killing bugs and exploring. Game is also still supported, which is good.


While this game is easy to learn and play (also one run is not too long, so you can play short sessions), RNG factor is pretty strong in this game, both in getting equipment and card shuffle.

Game with a pretty good soundtrack and pretty nice graphics, but with average gameplay. I like the gimmick of one shot, one kill, but some bosses are really annoying with this idea in mind.

If you like a short game, where you figure out, how to find bosses weak points, give it a try. Oh and do yourself a favour and play on controller.

If you can get used to a bit blurry pixelated graphics, you can experience calm and nice game about just exploring and doing stuff.

Honestly nothing too special.
After short tutorial you are put on the map, where you need to get as much points as you can in 20 minutes (real time).
There are few buildings and after two games I felt like I discovered everything this game has to offer.

There are few missing things, like random generated map (or at least a selection of them), ability to drag roads (you need to build roads tile by tile even, when you make them free) or just more buildings.

This is my first game in WH40k universe and it was an average experience.

Campaign, if you can call that, was not very interesting. Balance of factions is... strange. Some factions are way too strong against others and some of them are strange.

Multiplayer is ok, but there is a big restriction, where you need to have installed previous games at the same time to unlock factions other than starting two, which is not a good design. Currently it's not maybe that big of a deal, bui I can imagine the pain in 2008 to do this.

I'm happy that I played this game, it is an amazing experience.
Big world of explore with different biomes and many secrets to find. It's great when you unlock new skill and you can reach new places in previously visited zones.

Boss battles are satifying and while I didn't enjoy all bosses, I can say they are still fair to fight, you can learn their pattern and just win.

There are many combinations of charms you can pick up and activate to enchance your playstyle and while there are some better ones and some worse ones, it's still a lot of options.

And while it's probably recommended to play on controller, you can play on keyboard (i finished the game on keyboard).

Definitely worth trying.

Yes, I did 20,000,000+ $ damage to my owner's house.
Yes, I caused a lot of chaos around the house.
Yes, I'm a very good dog.

Short, funny, free game. Worth checking out.

Good final DLC and ending of Geralt adventures.
For sure the new zone here is different from other parts of the game, everything is more colorful and you feel like it's far away from war. It's a strange feeling, when you kill 20 bandits, their bodies are on the floor of some random ruins and sun rises, adding this DLC specific lighting to the mix.

Under this beautiful skin there is a darker side, shown in story, where not everything is perfect as you can think.
Story is good, after it I still don't know if the ending i got is the best one or not.

I have some objections to few parts of the story and how some secondary content on the map was created (bandit strongholds makes no sense), but still definitely worth playing. There are also some issues with FPS dropping in some parts for few seconds, it was visible in previous DLC and main game, but in this DLC it happened more often.

Poker on steroids.
Many ways to influence, how you want to play or what is in your deck, big amount of decks to play (some of them are pretty unique).

It can turn into RNG-fiesta sometimes, but outside of "endless mode" it is in acceptable level for roguelikes. You are playing a card game after all.

Just...don't go to casino after playing this game.

Pretty nice DLC. Story here is great, I really like characters from this story. Main theme of this dlc "villian" is something to remember. Also the new system of enchanting gear is good, tho "a bit" expensive (you need to spend more than 30 thousands coins for max level of this and enchants alone are not that cheap)

Great RPG game with rich and beautiful world and a lot of lore. Story is pretty interesting, fighting is satisfying, there is a lot of content to do.

There are few issues from time to time, but those are pretty minor thing, mostly.

Also fuck Skellige question marks.