Justice for Metalhead make my mans playable

Funky Dealer just like me frfr

This review was written before the game released

People call me slurs in this game because my goofy little boom rat is a just a smidgen to silly

Guntank my beloved you are the only fun part of this game

Dog my wrist hurts so fucking bad now

I forgot I could level up my weapon for a majority of the game and ended up making that way harder than it needed to be

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Music bangs and the first three hours were really fun but then the story gets so far stuck up its own ass and you just end up fighting the same bosses over and over again

Weakest entry of the series and extremely buggy but still working off of an excellent formula

I feel like I just blacked out while mashing the x button for 6 and a half hours

The best opening to any game I have played in a long ass time.

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Just a sequel that did everything better and i only experienced maybe a third of the game catwoman segments bring it down though she is only in the story to pull a single rock off of bats, her gameplay was kinda fun it just shoulda been a sidequest

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Too much backtracking and almost every boss is the exact same, Killer Croc segment put shitches in my britches though


The cuteness of the cat couldn't compensate for how boring and limiting the gameplay was

This game feels like playing genji in overwatch but if genji huffed bath salts in a mall hot topic

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fuck this game and that stupid maze with the dumb fat ass slug