a história não é boa o suficiente pra justificar a gameplay rasa e monótona

um dos piores sistemas de parry que eu já vi num jogo

combate extremamente raso e repetitivo e história que só é boa se você leu um total de 0 livros ou assistiu uns 2 filmes na sua vida inteira

probably the worst camera I've ever seen in a miyazaki game

Ubisoft fez escola, jogo chato pra uma porra

fãs de pokémon tão em coping eterno a este ponto

No, this is not a good action game.
The gameplay is not great and the story is horrible

"One or more players disconnected shortly after the battle began. Disconnected players will be assigned a loss, but the battle will not count for players who remained connected."

an open world game that is fun, a rare thing these days

what zero pussy does to a mf: the game

the Megaten series never had a good story to begin with, keeping that in mind, the gameplay that really matters is fun at least, the graphics are good, the performance sucks a enormous dick but it's tolerable by Switch standards, exploring the open world is fun and rewarding, the ost is extremely competent as always and overall, the game is good if you ignore the shitty story

"Neon White is a game that makes you feel like you're good at games"