I played this game at the right time in my life, this game touched me in a way that nothing before has, play this game in your own time and enjoy the story, it's your story, the story of the people around you and how you influence them so jump in head first

I will never recover from the story of this game and all its spin-offs, 10/10

This game is incredible, it shows that the world of Fallout is a shit place to live, everyone wants to stab you, the rich are no good and you have to solve the most complicated election in American history

I played during the pandemic with friends, it was really cool, but after they dropped the game I never felt like going back, it's cool to play with friends but when you get to the endgame it's not much fun anymore, but the game is beautiful, creative and free So I think it's worth a try

It's an interesting concept but the execution isn't that good, the story is a bit weak and doesn't hold its own, but the art aesthetic is very interesting and could have been something better

It took me by surprise, a hitchhiking simulator that has strong political comments and makes you feel strong emotions with a very good plot

It's fun and the story is very good, but the open world can get repetitive during the game, causing some game fatigue, and there are Mary Jane's missions that are boring

the Lovecraftian aesthetic combined with the Victorian aesthetic works very well, the game is fair in its difficulty, the story is incredible, just be careful with your sanity

This game tried to be a smash, but it didn't have the charm, the quality and it had a battle pass

the game is very cool, the story I found a little weak, but the gameplay is very fun, but the loot box system loses some good points, combined with the character level system that unbalances the multiplayer, A FIGHTING GAME DOESN'T NEED TO BE AN RPG

cool concept, cool gameplay, but the villain is weak, the story is rushed, some characters barely appear and the DLC is practically a part of the game that was cut and creates certain plot holes, but it's a solid and fun game

the game is very good, the story is cool and the missions are creative, the open world is wonderful and the online game is fun (it used to be better), and I think we all have a huge affection for this game due to growing up playing it

I like this game, but it didn't need to exist, we have a GOTY that is no longer playable because of this aberration full of expensive cosmetics and lies about a PvE mode

I swear I tried to like it but it's not for me, I understand that it's creative and has unique things but it's not for me

The journey of Arthur and the gang in a world that no longer wants them is fascinating, men change the world and the world changes men, it is an epic journey about blood, violence, money, pain, bonds, and most importantly of all , a man's redemption