One of the worst Puyo games but now the iconic music is gone and almost all charm along with it. No one would reference this game if the title wasn't so funny.

I think I could've hit auto on every battle and won but this game was surely a good experience. Short and focused too so I didn't get bored.

There are runs where people beat this game without using any of the mechanics.

I'm dead serious.

Novelty meme game to play twice that requires multiple hours of playtime to unlock everything... Something doesn't add up here.

Society where this game has fast travel:

I respect this game for attempting something bigger near the end of the story but I think there's a sign of low confidence when most of the cast of this new universe is old characters and the new gameplay style is used for only portion of the game. A gameplay style that sucks by the way.

Definitely outdone by later titles but still pretty great. The cast is good, the story is good, the combat is solid, the music is good, nothing too special, but this game's 3rd act, charm, and overworld are some of the best in the series. Engaging stuff, definitely not a must play but if you're a Tales fan I'd definitely at least give this a shot, it's also a pretty good first game if you're a fan of classic RPGs. Impressive game, especially considering the titles preceding this were pretty mediocre.

There is a below average length level in this game, it's like 8 minutes long or so, where you the majority of it is Sonic in the asteroid form jumping on non-moving, vertical platforms in a circle with no hazards or anything. The fact that people think this can even be compared to the WIi U version is a joke.

Unlikely I'll finish this, strange since I finish pretty much every game I play. I got really frustrated near the end with a lack of directions and having to fight three damagesponge behemoths in a row, who knows maybe I'll return and update the review.

This game sucks I don't get the following it has. I can't speak for other FFs being better because this is the only one I've played far into, but it's just so bland. The party members are super bland and usually die five minutes after you get them (and then unceremoniessly come back another five minutes later) aside from the main character who has a little bit of an arc I guess and I don't know I guess Kain was a little cool. The story is kind of a basic rebellion thing that didn't invest me, and the combat is kinda whatever. Time-based battles was a new idea I'm glad this game influenced the growth of those, but man spellcasters are just so awful in this game that it feels like most battles are just me mashing attack, especially when at some points you have two or more spell casters. Their attacks miss most of the time so you can't do chip damage, spells that aren't weaknesses barely do anything or heal the enemy, most status spells flat-out do not work 90% of the time, and trying to scan the enemy for their weakness... Usually misses! This game just really does not have much going for it, how a lot of people consider this one of the best in the series is beyond me.

While it hops back and forth, this is currently my favorite Tales of game. It's an amazing series for numerous reasons, but despite it being my first, Symphonia still sticks with me. The story is phenomenal, the characters are great, and the gameplay is still solid to this day even if its been outclassed. It's a game that really sticks with you after you finish it, it's no surprise that it's listed as the RPG to resonate with you by Namco.

The final boss took me over 7 hours.

I think it's impossible for Nintendo to make a 3D Mario on a home console that isn't a banger at this point.

Kind of overhyped in my opinion. The core gameplay is solid and I love the atmosphere enough but the level design isn't really that great. The beginning is pretty good but there's a ton of chapters that just aren't very fun. On a Rail, Interlopers, Surface Tensions, and there's a lot of annoying enemies throughout the game. Some chapters tend to reeaaally drag on as well, especially with the ones I mentioned. The weapon selection is pretty cool, though.

This game's attempts at comedy are so uncomfortable that it's worth playing for that alone.

This isn't even a meme they're absolutely hilarious but for all the wrong reasons.