Simply doesn't hook me. I like hard games, but this doesn't feel rewarding.
Maybe the art or the content doesn't fit me.
I don't hate it, but its not interesting enough for me.

I replay it on PS4 from PC.
The same excellent game, with probably the best melee system of any action-adventure game.
Challenging, fast and beautiful.
Nice characters and good story.
A LOT of mini-bosses.

Not that full of options like previous FromSoftware games (weapons, outfits, builds, etc) but still and amazing game.

Final boss it's super hard but awesome to master.

Only caveat on PS4 is the bad framerate, specially on Ashina Castle.

This could have been a good game if it wasn't for the fact that it has 80% of the crap western devs put on modern games nowadays:
>Let's put "secrets" on the game, then reveal all secrets in the map, so player don't has to think, cause player are idiots...
>Oh, a new enemy appears! then let's put a fking ad that spoil the weakness of that enemy, so player don't need to find out playing the game, cause player are idiots...
>Let's put beacon all the time to the place you must go, so players don't need to explore, cause player are idiots...
>Oh, you died, I'm so sorry, take this overpowered armor the make you invincible, so you don't have to learn the boss, cause, you know, player are idiots...
>And that idiotic difficulty selection setting that let you change it on the mid of the campaign... What's the fcking point of have a difficulty selection then??

Also, there is a big problem on core gameplay in this game, they somehow manage to ruin what feels so good on Doom 2016. The pace is awful, it's like they want you to be technical, making every demon require specific weapon-mod-weakpoint combination, but also throws at you a horde of 20 demons on a close space with infinite respawn... And that doesn't combine well with the ammo mechanic of this game. Doom 2016 manage this a lot simpler, better IMO.

It has some good things tho:
>Music is good, but not as good as Doom 2016.
>The dash is a good addition
>The last maps, Nekravol and Urdak looks really good.
>The way they try to present the Slayer as a badass is appreciated in these days where most characters are mostly pathetic or lame.

Overall I'm disappointed, I was expecting a total improvement in every aspect from last Doom, but it actually end up being worse than 2016 IMO.

Its Ok i guess, but simply its not my thing. I kind of get bored playing it, so i drop it.

Thanks for ruin the game.
REMOVE that bullsht 9 lifes cheat.

>Ask you to select Difficulty on game start
>You can change difficulty on mid game, up and down
I fking hate that, it make the game feel so cheesy and also make the setting pointless.
Looks cool but i dont enjoy the actual gameplay, droped

No need for review, this is THE BEST metroidvania right now. The new gold standard for the genre.

>Top-tier sprite animation
>Really hard
>Decent world size for a MV

>LOTS of bugs and glitches
>Glitched inputs (using a Dinput controller)
>Kind of bad map for a Metridvania (you can not see clearly if an area is completed)
>No remap for dash button (really WTF?)
>Monotone background, its like you're always on the same place.
>Regular to bad OST
>Magics and special attacks do not visually change when upgraded (lame)

Overall the game feels like an unpolish copy of Blasphemous, go play that instead.

One of the best 8° gen games.
Monster design and animation are 10/10
The biomas are so rich and detailed that actually do not looks like a MH game.
Excellent soundtrack.
A truckload of content, almost too much... (I played Word and Iceborne as a whole)

I only complaint about 2 things:
1. A tad grindy; those single digit % drops (Pallium, Mantles, etc) are just bllsht to unneccesary repeat hunts. Also Guiding Lands are just plain grinding rampage, screw that.
2. This is the first game in 2 generations that make me think loading screens are a big problem. That's wayyyyy too many and way too long loading screens, playing on PS4.

Everything else, simply great.

The puzzles are top-tier, they actually make you stop a minute and pay attention on what you suppose to do. Probably the best puzzles i have seen on a Survivor Horror game. The radio mechanic is quite interesting.

The rest is a big "Meh, whatever..."
Combat is ok, i guess... with some modern accessibility bllsht.
Enemies are repetitive and boring.
No real final boss.
Lacking soundtrack .
Story is some 2deep4you crap.
Characters are non-important.

Puzzles are only worth thing of this game.

Good intentions, bad results.
They 100% nail the atmosphere and feeling of a true 90's Survivor Horror game; the scenario, music and level design of the hospital is superb. The puzzles are good, very cryptic and challenging. But the rest... the rest is AWFUL:

The character models are horrendous. Caroline, the priest and most enemies looks so bad that they seems like coming from a whole different game, looks and behave like mannequins. The contrast against the rich and detailed environment is way too big. Now add one of worst VA i have seen in a videogame and you have the cringest cutscene in history. Every scripted interaction in this game is awful.

Another big problem is the performance, bad framerate in a lot of areas and way to long loading screens. (PS4)

The story again, was good intention, bad execution. It's kind of close to Silent Hill, but with dumb mirror-time-travels, lame dialogues and a disappointed final boss.

So 3 stars for environment, music and puzzles. Nothing more in there.

It has those stupid "dumb down the game for me" option on the settings, so that's an instant garbage, lazy and boring game for me. Make a proper hard mode or something.

Thanks god we have refunds on PC.

Lame try to revive the Valkyrie Profile IP.

>Story is boring and cheap.
>Repetitive scenarios, repetitive reskinned enemies the entire game.
>No real exploration, pretty much nothing to do except fight.
>Extra quests are SO LAME, its just repetitive "go to the same area, clear the enemies again".
>NPCs are just light on the map, no art, anodyne dialogues, it's totally uninteresting. In the first hours of the game you already don't give a crap about the einherjars backstories.
>ONLY 4 FCKING EINHERJARS, they just don't know what a VP games is.

Only 2 good things IMO, the combat is ok and the bosses are really good. Bosses were the sole reason why i didn't drop this game.
Soleil doesn't know what they are doing. This game reeks low-effort.

This sh!t is so painfully easy that the game even play by itself (Menu>tactics>fight), so the only part left for the player "to play" is press X to run the dialogues.
Brain dead gaming.

I wanted to replay this to see how it has aged. Still a decent game.
>Lots of details and secrets that are up to the player to discover. There's no holding hand here.
>Awesome soundtrack
>Huge bestiary
>That big "true ending" gimmick it's amazing, i remember that blow my mind when i play it for the first time.

But some aspect have aged poorly, mainly:
>The bosses, kind of basic and limited, compared to modern metroidvanias, you can just face tank 90% of bosses
>And the silly/cringe dialogues.