Almost a masterpiece bogged down by early slog of a gameplay which picks up smoothly towards the end.
Everything else about it is easy top tier.

MEMEEEEESSSSSS And a fucking banger game itself too

Living the Monster Slaying Fantasy one monster at a time.
Triss masterrace

Throwback to early Resident Evil games, in the most beautiful way possible.

Best in the Medium
G.o.a.t.e.d Artstyle, soundtrack and world design
Absolute ass Microtransactions


Absolutely wild af game.
With probably one of the wildest ending in the medium.
The trilogy as a whole is fucking nuts as to how it all connects together.

Good Game
Brings back the Survival horror in RE again, up until you get the bazooka.


Masterfull game design
Will surprise you with each passing hour.
Aided by an absolutely beautiful Artstyle and Music

Lets you live out the fantasy of playing a god, superhero and director of a secret organisation all in one with extra mindfuck moments spiced in.

First step into the Peak CBM game genre

Absolutely beautiful Game
With an unparalled sense of Discovery.