May, 2024



Short linear maps, and it's actually different! What a refreshing take on Quake 2. 



Much higher enemy count, but inflated with turrets. I've played so many shooters at this point and done a lot of expansions right after, but Q2 feels the most repetitive out of all of them. There really is hardly any style difference between each of them, and I need to meet the person who can recall all of it after a few days. It's still not bad, but it just sucks when the base game is pretty good.




A couple of new weapons that were pretty bad and just a bit harder than the base game. It's still the same where it bleeds intoself for me but fuck what a tedious first level.



Bear with me on this one, but it is similar to One Step from Eden. It takes a part of the Pokemon experience and just brings it down to the "combat." In doing so, it misses a lot of the actual series, but it also attracts a new audience. It will never stand up to the original series IMO. Did they really need to add gacha though.

I only cleared classic (it could have been 50 floors shorter) a couple of times and did a few dailies so I'm not going to rate this one. I'm not sure how else to do it, but this has a lot more metaprogression than I expected. I am interested to see how Emerald Rogue differs now when I get to it. While a lot of things are still broken and I don't know how any of this works, it's pretty impressive to just be a browser game.




Not as bad as people make it seem. But just like Quake it's unmemorable levels just blend into each other.


April, 2024

March, 2024