I enjoy this game. It's extremely flawed mind you. There's a lot of grinding and there's no bonus EXP to share with reserve party members, meaning you have to prepare for the long haul if you wanna complete every story. I also think the Job system is limiting since only one character can have one secondary job and you have to do some musical chairs to make sure your party is aligned correctly. Same with equipping armor for that matter. The journey to the final boss is also really time consuming

Despite this, I pretty much love everything else about this game. I enjoy the break system and the strategies that come with it, making you feel like a genius when you exploit an enemy's weak point. Each character's unique talent really do help with how you strategize each battle. The boss fights are also exciting when you figure them out, and this game can be pretty hard if you don't play it right.

Also being the first game with the HD-2D pixel art aesthetig of 2D sprites in 3D backgrounds and worlds I think it's a pretty killer style. It's definitely pretty flat compared to the games that came after (Octopath II isn't out yet as I type this), but I really do enjoy how the desert, snow, ocean, and forest area look the most as they really show what you can do with this art style. And the music for each of these areas are my favorite. The music during battle is also full of variety depending on the encounter. Being Yasunori Nishiki's first gig in fully composing his own soundtrack and he knocked it out of the park, and I can only hope he does more from here on out.

If you want to know my favorite character stories it's Alfyn > Therion > Primrose > Cyrus > Olberic > Ophilia > Tressa > H'aanit. I think every character has a good story though I definitely have my preferences. Alfyn's surprised me the most hence why I put him on top

So yeah, not a perfect game at all but I really love what this game set out to do. I disagree with the criticism regarding actual character interactions within the story because this game is about their stories in a vacuum; its like Live A Live in that sense, which is probably why we got a remake.

I love Gintama to death. As a Gintama game it's alright. It has the ridiculous humor you'd expect from the series and playing some of my favorite characters is a real treat. As a musou-like game I think there are much, much better options out there since unless you're a Gintama fan, there's no other reason to play this. Watch the actual series or read the manga. Still holding out hope for a Gintama game in the style of a Like a Dragon title.

The controls of this game alone are enough to make it 5 stars. The areas may sometimes feel too big and the music isn't that memorable but everything else about this game from gameplay feel, the challenge, the exploration, and the boss fights are all 10/10. If you haven't played this yet you're doing yourself a disservice.

Those who know me are aware of my history with this title. Went from loving it to absolutely despising it to thinking its a bad game with good qualities. I can't really express how a lot of the game design elements of this game piss me off to no end. The UI is clunky and is somehow worse than when the game was demoed at E3 2017. The titans aren't as interesting to explore compared to the Bionis and Mechonis and now Aionios in 3. The gacha and field skills make me want to tear my hair out due to how much it breaks the flow of the game. The last part may seem small but it adds up so much overtime that I can't ignore what I despised.

I won't go into spoilers but while I think the story at best is just okay, I don't understand the hype and admiration of this story compared to other titles. I think most of the cast is forgettable and are only remembered for the wrong reasons whether it be due to their design or really cringe moments in the story. The English dub is also trash. Rex isn't the worst protagonist ever but he's definitely on the bottom of the barrel in terms of protagonists I never really liked/cared for. Also Chapter 4 SUCKS. The worst filler I've experienced in any video game ever.

And a quick sidenote: if you're one of those Xeno fans who trash on people who dislike this game for thinking that just because it's "more Xeno" doesn't make it a good game, you need to touch every tree in the rainforest because grass isn't enough. The people who defend the story by bringing up lesser moments from 1 are also pretty pathetic.

With that said there are some things I like. I think the soundtrack is pretty awesome and full of energy like the first game. And while I trashed on the story, I at least think there are still some good moments especially by the end. Nia and Zeke are also the only party member I really took a liking to.

But yeah, I really don't ever wanna revisit this game. I never even finished Torna because I was tired of this game so I won't rate that. Hoping I can put this game behind me forever.

Edit: Oh yeah and the combat can be fun. I think the core crystal gacha crap holds it back a bit since while I understand common blades ≠ bad, the fact you created a system for special one of a kind party members anyway is pretty evil design. When you know how to play battles though it's damn satisfying

A step in the right direction. The game is definitely jank in terms of presentation and level design in the cyberspace levels, and I can only hope a future game or updates to this title can improve upon it. Despite all this I really do love the vibes of this game. It tried to make the continuity matter when previously they just played musical chairs in how they'd acknowledge the past. The characters felt so different it was almost uncanny, but I do hope what happened here carries over to the future. I enjoyed exploring the islands and I like that the map doesn't expand until you do a challenge. A nice small thing to make exploring feel more worthwhile. I LOVE the titan boss fights. While the final two fights were disappointing, the first three were serious highlights for me with some badass music. I really hope this energy will continue and only amplify in the future as I think we're close to a renaissance. Almost.

A really graceful 2D-3D conversion. Truth be told Balan Wonderworld was a game that looked like what would happen if you made a 3D Kirby game the absolute WRONG way. Thankfully, Forgotten Land stays focused on solid level design and a good curated amount of copy abilities you can upgrade. If you're a completionist you will be looking out for a ton of Waddle Dees. I used to get annoyed of having to replay a level just to look for one of the secret ones, but thankfully the level design is so compact that you can get your barings real quickly. As for the story, well the context for any Kirby game isn't revealed til the end but man the LORE goes crazy at the end. There's also a pretty solid postgame. Definitely recommend this as not only a good Kirby game but a good game period.

Funny how I played this for the first time a whopping two months before the multiplatform announcement. Despite that, this was a great time. This was my first true Persona game. Most of my Megaten experience comes from playing a little SMTIV before dropping it since I didn't know how these games worked as a kid. Also Tokyo Mirage Sessions was the only other game I played from them.

ANYWHO, Persona 5 Royal. What's more to say that hasn't already been said? I love the art style, music, sense of style, etc. The main gameplay being quick and snappy helped keep me engaged. For non-combat, I really did enjoy ranking up all the confidants I could before the newly added third semester. In case you wanna know which girl I ended up with, well, my friends know lol. I don't really know what else to say other than play this now that it's on all platforms. I even bought a Steelbook copy on PS5 just cuz I can.

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Not the biggest fan of this one honestly. Now I haven't played it since 2017 so maybe my opinion will change if I were to give it another chance. Before going into what I disliked though I think I should be honest: this game did make me cry. I think certain emotional moments were earned. In the moment I did enjoy the game for what it was and that was probably the point, so I'll give it credit in that aspect. The music and atmosphere of this game are also really good and set the mood well.

With all that said I really don't really like/care about the story that much. I think 2B as a character is pretty annoying with her cold attitude. I get that might've been the point, but she's someone I didn't really have the pleasure in controlling. 9S I enjoyed more, especially for how he reacted to 2B's death in Route C. Pretty powerful emotions there. His gameplay though? Super repetitive. It's a good thing levels carry over between A, B, and C because man he can be a slog even if it's unique. A2 as a character I enjoyed more than 2B but she really needed more screen time and development if you ask me, since her resolution by the end felt rushed. I guess on that note, I think the RPG mechanics of this game are a waste of time since despite being an action game by Platinum, doing cool combos and the like doesn't mean anything unless you're at a good enough level to get to the final boss. It also makes the multiple weapons superfluous because while there's variety, there's no reason to use that variety in the context of an action game or even an action RPG period. I also think Platinum's style of action combat has run its course but that's getting off-topic.

Overall, a fine game that just isn't for me. I'm not really into Yoko Taro's style of romanticizing this complicated world and lore he created for the sake of emotion. To me he's what people think Tetsuya Nomura is, even if Nomura isn't the best writer either. If you enjoy it though then that's all should matter. I don't really have a desire to play Taro's other work, especially the NieR:Replicant remake.

Another one of those games I can't really add much since it'd just be a repeat of what others have said. With that said however, the fact I replayed this game like 3-4 times after my first playthrough because I just wanted to get everything as fast as I can to me is a mark of a great game. Great music, great graphics and SFX for the time, and great gameplay

Really solid Yakuza-like game from the same team but with a Hokuto no Ken twist. I only read like the first 100 chapters of HnK/FotNS but I loved what I read, and seeing each Hokuto technique being remade as essentially Heat Actions was a real treat, even some moves that really just exist to pay homage to cool moments from the manga. Not the biggest fan of the buggy riding though. I do hear people complain about grinding but I don't remember it being that bad. It was an interesting choice to make an original story where moments from the manga do happen but are executed way differently since it has to be concentrated on this made-up city. In a way it does make the plot limiting so if you aren't big on the plot, just read the manga. As a game though? I don't think you need to be a fan of Hokuto no Ken to enjoy this. Also Kiryu's seiyuu is Kenshiro and hearing him pitch his voice up for each technique is hilarious. S/O to Robbie Daymond as well on the English side of things. He pulled off his screams perfectly.

This is still one of my all-time favorite games. When I first played it I didn't really know what to expect. When I started it though, everything started to click. I was invested into the stories of both Kiryu and Majima (though the latter took a little for me to be like WOAH), I adore the gameplay and the money flying everywhere, and I love all the side content you can do on top of that. This is still my favorite game in the series probably.

Saejima was introduced so it should be 11/10 right? Well I think this game is pretty dang good and a massive improvement from 3 in terms of everything. Now granted the story definitely has problems, and the problem with it is arguably much bigger in 5. How it comes together near the end could've been better. With that said I enjoyed each characters individual chapters and enjoy the unique gameplay each character had.


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Being the first PS5 title I ever played even if it's just a remaster of a game I never played, this was pretty solid. The web slinging by itself is very kinetic and fluid. The combat is pretty basic but I still found it satisfactory with all the gadgets Spidey is rocking so you can take down thugs in creative ways. I also had fun in the moments where there's stealth involved. The story was also pretty basic as well all things considered, though I appreciate how it approached a Doc Oct story (keep in mind I don't read comics so WHOOPS). Overall probably the best licensed superhero game that isn't Batman: Arkham City.

Great tech demo. Honestly not really much to express other than it being a good showcase of the hardware. Silky smooth framerate, non-existent load times, and solid level design. It really is just a PlayStation circlejerk though lol.

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When I first played this game I wasn't feeling the combat. I'm not sure if I was playing another RPG or action game at the time to make me dislike the ATB system used here. When I jumped back in, however, I could barely put it down. I think the combat is amazing. While I definitely do lean on the turn-based side of things, I do appreciate how this system tried to have some strategic play at all and its pretty effective.

But I guess I should go into the story a little bit. Personally...yeah not a fan of the whispers. Personally I think there could've been another way to deviate from the main path without being meta about it. I like meta stuff (MGS2 is my favorite Metal Gear for example), but I just think these damn ghosts are just plain rude. Despite their existence I absolutely adore the characterization of the cast in this game. It's perfect; can't give it enough credit. I'll admit the ending has me confused if intrigued. I hope Rebirth manages to have a payoff instead of going all Rise of Skywalker for going this direction at all.