Games I want to do a review eventually.


The complete opposite of Environmental Station Alpha.
The most overrated game of all time. I can't despise this and Burial at Sea enough to not do a tremendous review of this shit.
If I will want to cover Quake, why not Doom as well?
I want to especially talk about the story and everything about it that isn't the gameplay itself (which I admittedly I don't think is the best).
Ever since I played it for the first time my perception about the game has changed, so I think it might be worth it.
Most people don't really bother to do a proper review about party games in this site, but I think this game has enough for me to talk about it that I want to write stuff about it, just need to sink more time into it (atleast unlock every single map in the game).
Holy Christ where do I begin with this?
Haven't beaten this one yet, but I kind of want to express why I thought this game was underwhelming despite some things that could be amazing.
Another one of my favorites.
Both games are some of my favorite games of all time, and after multiple replays on both of these, might as well do a proper review on both games.
Definitely need to replay this first, but (besides System Shock 2 of course) it is easily one of the best horror games.
"Holy Christ where do I begin with this?"
The answer: Maybe this instead but I like Killer7 more.
I will need to first play through the entire series on Expert difficulty, then I will definitely do some writing on this.
I decided to add a different entry for Minerva's Den for this list, because I think of this drastically differently from Infinite, this is one of the greatest DLCs ever made for a game.
Possibly THE most underrated game of all time, there are so many things I absolutely love about this game which makes me really want to talk about it more in depth.
Possibly the best game based on a movie or TV show.
I don't know I just thought It would be interesting.


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