1146 reviews liked by Ryanthecollector

absolutely goated with the sauce, fantastic 2D platformer. it's a crime we haven't gotten a new Rayman game in 10 fucking years

I really don’t have that much to say about this game, as it’s literally just a sequel that manages to follow up and evolve on the first game excellently, with a few exceptions. I’ll start with the problems I have with the game over the original. The story was much smoother in the first game, especially with the main villain not even showing up until almost the last minute. There definitely felt like there was less agency to the plot. Despite that criticism, Team Plasma during the early story felt like it had more of an antagonistic play into the game than the first. Another complaint I have is the gyms. The challenges that they offer over the originals feel much more bland, like looking at the electric gym or dragon gym, they’re way more straight forward and lack puzzles, because instead you just walk forward and fight a trainer. It’s really underwhelming.

With my problems aside, this is more than a worthy follow up to the original. I wish Pokemon did more sequels to their games than just this one game. Legends Arceus is the only game after this that even remotely tried to emulate that, and I’m not counting the Switch games DLC. This game takes everything else the first did, and cranks it up. The animations are smoother and even more vibrant with life. The 2D spriting is phenomenal and it really makes me wish that they kept doing it. I understand why they didn’t because the 3DS was just around the corner, but I would’ve loved to see a 2D-sprited Kalos. The music goes just as hard as it did in the first, that DS soundfont will forever be held in my heart. The existence of Colress as a whole. And of course, they fixed people's biggest complaint with the first, the dex is way more expansive this time. While I didn’t have too much of an issue with that in the first game, it was honestly a breath of fresh air being able to just choose whatever I wanted in this one. This led to a pretty dynamic team that I honestly got closer to than I thought I would. I tried to limit myself from repeating any Pokemon I used in previous games, but come on I had to use Lucario. He's just so cool, I couldn’t not use him.

Cerberus the Lucario (Greek mythology) HE’S BACK BABYYY
Toph the Flygon (Avatar)
Wisteria the Shiny Roserade (Flower species that is purple)
Nyx the Zoroark (Greek mythology)
Cerebro the Beheeyem (X-Men)
Samurott (forgot to nickname boowomp)
Sealed away in the box of despair forever:
Boeing the Unfezant (fly HM user before getting Flygon)
Aperture the Ampharos (temporarily came back from Johto to help!)
And some legendaries I didn’t care to use lmao

I don’t really have much else to say about the game, just a very pleasant sequel that was fun to play. Oh wait and Black 2 doesn’t have Reuniclus, so it’s immediately inferior. Hey I don’t make the rules here, I just state the facts.

When I think peak platforming games, this is usually the first one to come to mind. Call it nostalgia blindness if you want, but I love this game.

I decided to skip a Johto game for now since I don't have very fond feelings towards the structure of those games, but man I love Hoenn's dex. It has probably the most stacked starters out of any of the regions, like for crying out loud there's MUDKIP, my goat. Everything they do new in Emerald compared to Ruby and Sapphire is also very fun, while also allowing you to catch what were previously version exclusives. Even Platinum didn't let you do that. My only problem is that Hoenn is a jagged mess of a region design where you kinda have to look up a guide on where to go. There were so many cases of backtracking, especially around the 4-5th gym areas. It might've been the first time I actually used the map in one of the games outside of for flying. Overall, a good Pokemon game, Wallace is king, and no I'm not doing Battle Frontier.

I decided to replay this throughout Easter events the past few days and if you really want to play Kanto for some reason even though it's easily the most boring region out of the older regions, this is the version of Kanto to play. It has a pretty good soundfont from the Game Boy Advanced, easily the best post-game out of the Kanto games, and no shitty rival replacement on Blue.

My sentiments for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD are identical to its 3DS original. Besides the graphical enhancements and the ability to play this on the big screen, the remaster is nearly the same as it was 11 years ago, down to the visual bugs and multiplayer glitches. I was hoping they would update and fix more of the game.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD stands the test of time for me as one of my favorite 3DS games, but the remaster leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth as I spent 60$ to play Scarescraper with my friend.

It's fine but completely skippable now that the reboot series is dead in the water.

The last time I had played Battle for Bikini Bottom (the original at least) was in 2019. According to my PS2 memory card, I had played this in 2010 prior to 2019. Back then, I never did 100% the game but I did beat it. 2019 though was the first time I 100%ed the game and I remember being so happy I finally did so since this was a game I liked a lot as a kid. I remember thinking it was great back then, but I wanted to see how I'd feel nowadays. While I don't think it's quite as good nowadays, it's still a really fun time overall.

I'd say the thing this game does best is replicating season 1-3 of SpongeBob. It doesn't always hit but when it does, this game is super funny and is basically just like those early seasons. There's a ton of callbacks to the show and references you'd only get if you've seen specific episodes. For a kid growing up on SpongeBob, this is basically like playing through a couple episodes of the show. Every voice actor from the show is here too, besides Mr. Krabs and Mermaid Man, and they don't half ass it. They bring their A game in every scene. However, going back to those two outliers, it's unfortunate they couldn't appear here. Mr. Krabs isn't too terrible, and the voice actor at least sounds like he's trying to replicate the character. Mermaid Man though is totally off and sounds pretty bad, I think. Even with those two being different tho, it's still super authentic to the show and a lot of fun seeing each scene be reminiscent of the show. The game also really replicates the world of SpongeBob well. The overworld of Bikini Bottom is done super well. You have all the main characters homes represented here. You have the Krusty Krab, the Chum Bucket. All the staple locations. The areas themselves also represent the show well. Rock Bottom, the Mermalair, Kelp Forest..even SpongeBob's Dream from that one season 1 episode appears. The characters, their dialogue and the world itself just perfectly represents the early seasons.

Getting into the gameplay itself, it's a collectathon and is basically mimicking a game like Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie. While I don't think it's as good as either of those, for reasons I'll explain shortly, that type of game still works well in the SpongeBob universe. Instead of Stars or Jiggies, your main collectable in this game are golden spatulas. Thematically super fitting to the show, though I gotta say I never found them as satisfying to get as the aforementioned stars or jiggies. There's no jingle that plays, only a crowd cheering for the player (and SpongeBob's laugh if you're playing as him). It's just sort of a bummer since it never gave me a rush whenever I collected them like Mario 64 or Banjo did. Anyways, you collect these golden spatulas in each level alongside collecting any other assortment of collectables along the way. You have shiny objects which you get from tikis or the robots. These are used to spend on shiny object gates or to get golden spatulas from Mr. Krabs. Socks are a collectable that you can trade in to also get golden spatulas from Patrick. These are mostly easy to get but can be annoying in their placement depending on the stage. Some, mostly the first couple stage ones, require backtracking with abilities you get later on. This like barely happens at all though so if you're a Banjo Tooie hater, you might like this game. In fact, this game is maybe too linear for my liking. It's obviously no Tooie, but it's not even a Mario 64 or Kazooie in terms of its exploration. Very rarely will you travel off the beaten path to do a little side challenge but that's about it. I prefer the more open games I mentioned before for that reason, as it feels like you're being guided along a straight path most of the time. Still, what's here is mostly fun. The levels in general, besides being faithful to the show, are either pretty fun or harmless. The only two I didn't care for much were Mermalair and Kelp Forest. Both had songs that kinda got on my nerves and Kelp Forest is too dark a lot of the time and also has the worst slide in the game. My two favorite levels though, were Flying Dutchman's Graveyard and SpongeBob's Dream. I found neither annoying and they were both endgame levels so they were pretty fleshed out.

You can also play as both Patrick and Sandy, if you find a bus station in each level. They each have different abilities but basically, Patrick is strong and can throw heavy things while Sandy has a lasso she can glide with and can also swing from these lasso Texas things. Both characters change the gameplay up enough for it feel different and fun. Their move sets are simpler than SpongeBob's. His move set consists of a double jump, a bubble wand attack, a bubble butt stomp, a bubble helmet that shoots upwards, the bubble bowl which is a bowling ball you can throw to hit things and the cruise bubble which is this missile attack you can use to hit enemies or buttons from a far. Those last two abilities are ones you unlock as progress and I generally like the move set SpongeBob has. Only thing I wish he had was a movement ability. There's no long jump or talon trot here so he doesn't feel quite as fun to play as because of the lack of something like that.

Between each set of three levels, and also in some of the levels themselves, are the game's bosses. The bosses in the actual levels aren't that great imo but are fun references to the show at least. The main game's bosses you must defeat to proceed tho are actually pretty fun. They're more fleshed out and have cutscenes between phases. You also switch between characters between phases too, which again, changes up the gameplay somewhat. The final boss was definitely the best, it's a fun nod to SpongeBob's love for Karate and also to the anchor arm episode. But I also gotta give props to robot Patrick's fight. The atmosphere of the industrial park combined with the eerie music, always freaked me out a bit as a kid. Still does even now lol.

Speaking of the music, while I don't think it's that amazing overall, there are still some tracks I quite like. Jellyfish Fields is an upbeat classic, Industrial Park again is quite eerie but really good and the best track in the game is probably Flying Dutchman's Graveyard. That one just perfectly fits the level and also rocks on top of it. Like I said, there are some tracks I straight up don't like whether it's cuz the level annoyed me as a kid or I just don't like them in general, however the OST is still solid overall.

I will say, I never noticed how unpolished this game could be at times. Whether it's me clipping through a tiki that doesn't have hit detection, or the slide portions being really janky depending on how I jump, it's not as polished as thought it was back then. Still, this is super helpful to the speedrun community as the game has some well-known glitches and exploits that are actually super cool to see someone perform. I remember getting into these speedrun videos shortly before Rehydrated came out and being amazed I'm just now finding out about all them. Speaking of rehydrated, I'll just say one thing. Play this version, don't play Rehydrated for the love of god. It's so bad, the fucking warp boxes don't even animate.

One more thing I wanna mention before I end the review off, is the golden spatula warp feature. If you go into the menu, to the golden spatulas you've collected or have to collect still, you can take the taxi from the menu and warp to that location. Holy shit, this may be the best feature in this game. It's super convenient and frankly should be in more 3D Platformers lol.

This is a game I played as a kid and while I think it's not quite as good as once thought, and is not as good as Mario 64 (and definitely not as good as Banjo), it's still a fun time. It's not too long either so it's a game you can easily replay. Maybe I'd think lower of this game if I wasn't a SpongeBob fan or grew up with this, as it's just kind of an average 3D platformer, but it's still one of the best licensed games I've played because it represents the world of SpongeBob so well. Glad it holds up even to this day.

I understand the critics about this game but it‘s still great. The level design isn‘t as good as in like dmc3 or 5 but in my opinion it has the best sceneries of them all. It‘s just a little wasted potential that the Dante missions are the same as Nero‘s but worse and more annoying. And I do not understand the Nero hate at all because he was so fun to play and his interactions with the bosses are always cool.

Great gameplay but Donte is not Dante.