21 reviews liked by Salies

You ever wonder if Silent Hill fans cry to sleep at night for the last 15 years?

an expansive and compelling RPG, shadows of amn is an incredible step up compared to the first game. the quests are plenty and full of depth, while the dungeons are seemingly endless. it does, however, ever so slightly nudges the player into the main quest. Irenicus is also one of the best video game villains I've ever encountered.

I liked this game waaaaaaaaaay more than the first one, but I don't think it would've been as good as it is were it not for the first one setting it up, so there's that

damn if I didn't get attached to gorion's ward and their relationship with imoen... poor girl... also minsc/jaheira/viconia were absolutely delightful in this game (even if I had to use a mod to get viconia to stay in the same party as the other two LOOOL)

jon irenicus is fucking baller as hell and it felt genuinely satisfying to FINALLY thwart this dude who has been a step ahead of us the entire fucking game

sarevok will always be special, but jon's voice acting is just too fucking good

Outro que zerei mais para testar o Miyoo Mini Plus. Na verdade nem ia zerar, só dar umas passeada em alguns níveis testando o direcional e botões. Mas uma coisa levou a outra e acabei pegando o atalho da Star Road. É com alegria que confirmo que os controles são absolutamente responsivos e bem confortáveis. Ah, e o jogo é o de sempre, bonzão e divertido.

O melhor FPS!

Um dos jogos multiplayer mais constantes da história, não tem muito o que criticar. Se tem algum ponto negativo, seria o do sistema de punição beneficiar trolls, exemplo: se um aliado andar propositalmente sobre a molotov, ele toma "fogo amigo" e força a expulsão automática da sala daquele que jogou a molotov.

I love this game, the writing is super cute and fun, it was always the part that I liked the most, talking with random npcs and having fun with the stupid stuff they say. On the other hand, the real-time with pause combat was never my favorite thing. I'd rather have the turn-based combat from Fallout. I'm also a hoarder, and this game has tons and tons of spell scrolls and items, so half of my time is always with inventory management.

it's not a loop it's a spiral

Bethesda’s game design has not evolved since 2008. Their lack of innovation combined with some of the worst writing, characters, quest design and gunplay the AAA games industry has to offer equals one of the worst games I’ve ever had the displeasure of playing.

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